Chapter Fifty Two: "A New Kind Of Demon"

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Note: This chapter is based on he song "Alibi" by The Strange Familiar. Listen to it to fully get the feel of the chapter. If you don't, it'll only look normal and boring so yeah dooo it :)


Two days have passed after Cody's death and burial. Allison insisted to stay in the Skitter Camp because she doesn't feel safe inside the Charleston camp. She didn't took her brother's death easily, last night she burned all of his clothes to fully forget the memories, she's been having tons pf breakdowns too that's why I do my best  not to leave her alone.

 She's still fragile and it's my job to eb there for her every single step of the way. "No .. the plan for tomorrow night is still on , she just needs company. Please" I explained to Red Eye who's getting impatient of me not being able to participate on the planning for the attack tomorrow night.

 Things will go down and I expect to put an end to Karen's life. We'll attack the weapon they're building, Red Eye explained everything but even though the cannon is not for us , it's still gonna be used to acquire damage that's why we can't let it happen. And the Overlord will be there, it's our only chance to kill him once and for all.

After the conversation with Red Eye, I started looking for Allison. I found her standing near the water and looking at the skies. Just staring at her on a distance like this melts my heart, she's so pretty ... and so broken.

 "Are you alright?" I asked her. She smiled and then nodded. I proceeded to hug her. "Ben, do you think Cody's doing fine now?" she asked.

 "Yeah. I bet he's looking down at us right now" I replied and then smiled.

 "Uhh Ben. I have to tell you something"

 "Okay. What is it?"

 "Remember that morning on the caves? I saw my Mom's ghost. She said she knows I'm pregnant ... and it's a boy"

 "You do realize it's a ghost right?"

 "Yeah, That GHOST is my mom Ben ... of course I trust her"

 "Fine .."

 "Aren't you happy?" she asked.

 "I am. But I just wanna make sure first" I replied and then smiled.

 "I also have one more thing to say"

 "What is it?" I asked her.

 "Cody's killer is dead. You don't have anything to do with it right?" Allison asked. My heart sunk, I almost forgot I killed him. "Nothing" I replied and then smiled. I did it to protect her and avenge Cody .. Plus, the guy's a loser anyway. This world doesn't need him.


Allison's P.O.V

  After spending some time with Ben , he said he had to go with Deni and teh others on patrol. I was left in the camp with another skitter as a guard.  I know it's sick and all that , but I trust it more than the soldiers inside the human camp.

 "Do you eat?" I asked the skitter and it nodded , but instead of spending some more time with me .. it just walked away. "Okay then" I thought to myself and returned to our car. I opened the bag and saw the ring, things happened so fast I haven't even told Cody about the engagement ... but then again, I havem't told anyone else either.

 I miss my brother so much, I'll do anything just to spend another 10 minutes with him .. or at least see his face. Suddenly, 2 soldiers started walking towards me. I got out of the car and asked them what do they want.

 "We're here to look for Ben Mason"


 "He's one of the suspects in killing Private. Johnson" One of the guys uttered and the skitter jumped in front of us. They pointed their guns but before they could shoot, I already told the skitter to step back.

 "Suspects? What do you mean?"

 "He is the last person to attack him." they replied. I realized that the killed soldier is actually Cody's killer. It only makes sense that Ben killed him , knowing his dark attitude lately. The only thing that bothers me is that I already asked Ben about this , he said he didn't killed him. Was he lying? Right to my face?.

 "Well he's not here"

 "Where is he?"

 "They went on patrol"

 "When is he coming back?"

 "I don't know. You can just come back later" I replied and then they nodded and walked away. I let out a big sigh, I don't know what to believe anymore ... and I'm also starting to doubt Ben ... a lot.


 It took us hours but thankfully, right after the night crawled in ... we were able to come back to the camp. I went straight to Allison to hug her really tight only to be pushed away.

 "What's wrong?" I asked and then she grabbed me further away from the others.

 "We need to talk" she whispered.

 "Okay what is it?" I asked her after we got to a hidden place. "Ben, I want you to be honest to me. Did you killed that guy? The one who shot Cody" Allison asked looking straight to my eyes. My heart sunk, I don't know what to say but if I lie to her again .. I would feel bad after so I just decided to finally spill the truth.

 "I did" I whispered and she punched my face.

 "Why did you do that?"

 "He killed your brother" I replied and then she sighed.

 "What you did is very wrong. 3What's happening with you Ben?" Allison asked. I wish I have an answer to that, I'm becoming more violent than usual.

 "Well they're here" Allison suddenly uttered and pointed at the group of soldiers approaching our camp. My heart is beating fast as I make my way towards them. "Ben, you're dead" I thought to myself after I faced them The look on the General's face is scary as hell. I'm not getting out of this one that easy.


Allison's P.O.V

 I think I know what's gonna happen and I'm extremely worried for Ben. I thought he changed, but I was obviously wrong. My heart is beating fast, I just lost Cody ... I can't lose him too. I'll die .. I will die.

 "Good Evening friends. I just wanna ask some questions to Ben Mason" the Gen. uttered and then Ben nodded at him.

 "Well I'll just get on it right away, where were you the time Private. Johnson was smothered to death?" he asked Ben , who's been nervous and shivering. I know he's gonna confess and when that happens, even his own Dad can't save him anymore ... where is Mr. Mason anyway?.

 I can't lose Ben .. not now, not ever. I took a deep breath and decided to take matters to my own hand. "He's with me" I said.

 "Really?" The Gen. asked.

 "Yeah. He's in a room with me right after my brother died. And I have a witness. Lourdes Delgado bumped right into him on his way out" I uttered and then the Gen. nodded.

 "Is sit true Ben?" he then asked him.

 "Yeah" Ben replied.

 "Okay. But this is not over. You should be thankful you have an alibi" The Gen. told Ben and then walked away from all of us. I looked at Ben, I hope I did the right thing. 


That's it for this chapter guys ^.^ . What do you think? Do you like Ben's darker side coming back to play? Please tell me what you think. I REALLY FREAKING WANNA KNOW. :D 5 votes = Next Update.

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