Chapter Thirty : "Baby Mama"

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 "Ben!!" I heard Dad called out my name as soon as I got out of the tent. I have to go Allison, I have to assure that everything's gonna be fine.

 "Allison?!?!" I called out to her but she continued to run into the forest. It's very dark and I can't see a thing that's why I went back to grab a torch. "We'll help" Matt and Maggie said and then grabbed their torches and we all went to the woods to look for her.

 After several minutes , I reached the middle part of the forest. The part where we spent hours talking to each other just a few days ago. I flashed the torch to see if I could see any figure , and then I saw her. I sprinted when I realized that she was lying on the ground.

 "Allison?" I asked and then noticed that she was unconscious. I can't carry her and hold the torch at the same time so I screamed for help. Maggie and Matt then ran to us and helped me bring her back to the camp.

 As soon as we got back, everyone else is just staring at us. I brought Allison to her tent and laid her on the bed. Anne went inside to check on her, thankfully she said that she's fine.

 "We need to talk Ben" Dad said so i nodded and then walked out with him into the meeting tent. "What is it Dad?" I asked him.

 "I'm sorry"

 "What for?" I asked.

 "For not guiding you , I guess I didn't expected that something like this would happen during an alien war. I guess I should have made you memorize "The talk" just like every good father does".

 "It's okay. I understand"

 "Then why did this happened? If you understand , you must have been careful about it. You're still human Ben , you can still get a girl pregnant"

 "I know I'm sorry"

 "And you're way too young. 15 and a Dad? Unbelievable"

 I can now feel the consequence of what Allison and I did that night. I wish we could have waited a lot longer. "So when did you actually do it?" he then asked.

 "Why do you wanna know?"

 "I need to know because just a few days ago you were complaining to me about how damaged and broken you are. Where the truth is, you are happy when you're with her .. you're not as damaged and broken as you think you are"

 "Being with Allison is different from having an on-going fight with creatures that almost annihilated all of humanity" I said.

 "This conversation will not go anywhere. We have to deal with the consequences we made. My last question for you is , Are you ready to take on that kind of responsibility?" he then asked me.

 My heart is beating really fast. I know I'm not ready for any kind of responsibility that has to do with taking care of lives. All I know is fighting. But Dad is right , we have to deal with the consequences we made. That's why I have to step up in order to be a father to my child.

 "I don't know" I said and then walked out of the tent.


Allison's P.O.V

 The last thing I can remember is running into the forest , I can't breathe and I felt myself falling to the ground. I saw Cody looking down on me after I opened my eyes.

 "How are you?" he asked me.

 "I'm fine"

 "So I'm gonna be an uncle" he said and I just nodded. For a second , I forgot the fact that I am pregnant.

 "Yes you are" Dr. Glass then said and looked down on me. "How are you feeling darling?" she then asked me.

 "I'm fine .. what happened?"

 "Based on what I noticed , do you have a heart condition?" she then asked me. I had a heart condition when I was younger , maybe it's back.

 "Yes" I said.

 "Then you must be extra careful. For yourself and your child" she said and then I just nodded. "Come on Cody" Dr. Glass then said and they went away. I let out a big sigh , I can't believe this is seriously happening.

 "Hey" I looked to the front of the tent and saw Ben coming in. I took a deep breath , "Oh Boy" I thought to myself.


 "How are you?" I asked her and then sat at the nearest chair form her bed. "I'm good" she said and smiled.

 "So, why are you trying to hide it from me?"

 "I don't know"

 "Come on Alli, there must have been a reason"

 "Do you really wanna know? It's because I don't think you're ready" she said and then looked away from me. "Not ready?" I asked her.

 "You're freaking 15 years old Ben. And I don't know if you notice it but we have an alien war going on right now"

 "No one's too young in this world Allison. And I'll make sure that everything will be fine" I told her. "How do you know that Ben?" she asked and then sat up.

 "I don't know but we'll work something out" I said

 "How can you say that?"

 "I don't know but hope is all we got right now"

 "Maybe I should just lose it" she said. "Don't ...because if you do , you just killed another human. Maybe you're right , I'm not ready to be a father yet but I'm willing to step up for you .. for our child" I said and then hugged her really tight.

 "I'm just really scared Ben"s he whispered , crying. I leaned in and kissed her, "Don't be , as long as I'm here .. nothing bad will happen to the both of you" I said and then she hugged me,

 "Here goes nothing" I thought to myself. I just hope I'll be able to take on it.

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