Chapter Fourty Seven : "Underwater"

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Note : This chapter is inspired by the song "Dance On Our Graves" by Paper Route. Listen to it to get the feeling of the chapter , if you don't .. the emotion won't be anywhere near there. that's all :)


 Allison's P.O.V

  As soon as I opened my eyes , I knew that we were underwater. Thankfully I was able to take in some air before we crashed down. I looked to my side and saw an unconscious Ben , with head leaned against the window.

 I tried to shake him hard, I even tried slapping him but nothing happened. Moments have passed and no matter how hard I try to wake him up , he's not doing anything. I looked for his pulse and felt a relief when I realize he's still alive. But being submerged in the water that is at least 60 feet is inexplicably hard.

 I removed the seat belt and tried to open the door but the lock jammed. I'm losing air, I swam to the backseat and was able to open a way out. I looked back at Ben, I want to take him with me but we won't reach the surface. "I'm coming back" I thought to myself and then swam all the way up.

 Once I got out of the water , I gasped for air. But i quickly made another intake and returned down for Ben. And after a long swim down , I was able to reach the car. I opened the door on Ben's side and tried to pull him out only to find out that his foot is stuck on the metal bar that was bent over.

 "Ben come on" I thought to myself while shaking him. After a few moments , he responded. He grabbed my shoulder and was able to yank his feet out. I mouthed "We need to go up" and he nodded.

 Ben took me in his arms as we started swimming towards the surface. But halfway there , I felt my heart stopped again. I am not able to move , I looked at Ben who just noticed what happened to me. The air is spinning out of my lungs and everything started to become blurry.

 And due to the current of the water , I was swept away from him. He was able to take a hold on me again , but that is also the time when everything went black.


 "Allison?" I kept trying to call her out while reviving her. "You can't die on me! Please wake up ... please .. please" I uttered.

 But a few minutes have passed , and nothing is happening. "Thank God" I thought to myself after I heard her heartbeat. She then opened her eyes and I quickly took her into my arms. "I thought I lost you forever" i whispered to her and then planted a kiss on the forehead. Allison then got up and asked me what happened.

 "You don't remember?"

 "No" she uttered.

 "Well, I think you lost air. Does anything hurt? Does your stomach hurt?" I asked worriedly. I don't know how much stress have been put to our baby.

 "Everything's fine" she said and then smiled.

 Then I helped her get up. "They're gone? The skitters?" she asked while we're looking around. "Yeah. They must have presumed we're dead" I uttered.

 "So what do we do now? The car is gone"

 "We have to go back to that house"

 "What if they're on that are"

 "We're gonna wait till night. Are you feeling cold?"

 "A bit" she said.

 "Okay. Let's settle in the woods. I'll try to start a fire" I uttered and then we slowly made our way into the forest. We almost died, "Wow" I thought to myself


Allison's P.O.V

 The night crawled in and we were able to return to the house safely. Ben and I changed into some dry clothes. He handed me several cans of food and I went to the kitchen.

 "Your heart Allison" I thought to myself. I pretended that I don't know what happened back there. I can't let him know about this , I just can't.

 "But what if it'll kill you and your baby?" I asked myself. I just need to make it to Charleston , once I'm there, I'll ask Anne about everything that I could do. After I opened the cans and transferred them to a bowl , a grabbed a utensil and started making my way back to Ben.


 "Here's the food" Allison said and then sat on the couch beside me. We almost died today .. Allison almost died .. I almost lost her.

 "Man up Ben" I thought to myself. I really wanna do it now , and I think the timing is just right. I have the ring on my hand. "Is everything alright?" she asked while eating.

 I sighed and thought here goes nothing , I stood up and then got down on one knee in front of her. "What's going on?" she asked.

 I showed her the ring , and saw how shocked she is. "Ben I-I ..." she stuttered, I saw a tear escaped her eyes.

 "Allison , in light of the recent events. Specifically today's events .." I uttered and then she started crying. "I realized I can't live without you. But I have no control over life , they said that life is short but because of everything that's going on, it just got shorter" I added.

 "Oh my God Ben" Allison whispered.

 "I can't imagine life without you. So, will you do the most amazing honor of marrying me? Allison Scott , Will you marry me?" I asked. My heart is pounding and I can hear it trying to escape from my chest.

 "Oh My God Ben ... Yes I do! Yes!" she said and then gave me the tightest hug ever and we kissed. I put the ring on her and said "You made me the happiest man alive".


 That's it for this chapter guys :) ^.^ . Do you think it's right that he proposed to her. Please tell me what you think , I really wanna know. More exciting things will happen so make sure you wait for it :)

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