Chapter Twenty Nine : "Baby Talks"

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 "Wh-What?" I asked her. "Smile, I'm just kidding" Allison said and then smiled at me. I let out a big sigh , she got me there for a second.

 "I have to go now, see you later" she said and then walked away from me. What just happened? A few moments ago she was all sad and all of a sudden , she became happy again. Is it possible that there is some truth to what she just said? Could she really be pregnant?.

 The mission will start tomorrow and if she really is pregnant , I have to confirm it now in order for her not to go with us and get hurt. I ran to the med bus and talked to Anne. I already know the first signs if a girl is pregnant , I just need to hear it from someone who's an expert in this field.

 "Hey" I said as soon as I got there and saw her and Lourdes talking to each other. Cody is still in the bus so I decided to just talk to them outside. "What is it Ben?" Lourdes asked as they stepped down from the bus.

 "I know this is gonna sound really random and weird but how do you know if a girl is pregnant?" I whispered to her. "Why do you wanna know?" Anne asked.

 "I think I know why" Lourdes replied. Which makes sense since because she's basically Allison's B.F.F in the 2nd Mass.

 "Nausea , Morning Sickness , Mood Swings for some I guess. Basic Stuffs like that , it's too early to tell as of this point , maybe give it another week or so" she then added and I just nodded at her.

 "But can a girl feel it if she's pregnant?" I asked Anne.

 "Yeah, I guess. I definitely felt Sammie when I got pregnant" she replied.

 "Okay then" I said and then a took a deep breath. "It's about Allison right?" Lourdes asked. "Yeah" I whispered. "Well, Lourdes told me everything that's going on in her. Allison has not come to yet but from the sound of it , she is" Anne replied.

 "Okay then , please don't tell her about this"

 "We won't" she said and I walked away. "Crap" I thought to myself , she is pregnant.


Allison's P.O.V

 "What the hell were you thinking?" I slapped myself hard as soon as I got away from him. Several moments after , I decided to go to Dr. Glass in order to fully know if I'm pregnant or not.

 "Hey Cody" I said as soon as I got onto the bus and saw him sitting on the couch. He ran towards me and gave me a hug , I can't believe I almost lost him today. "Where's Dr. Glass?" I asked him and he said she was on the back of the bus talking to Lourdes.

 "Okay , stay here" I said and then ran there and saw her talking to Lourdes. "Oh Hey Allison" she greeted me.

 "Hi , can I ask the two of you something?" I asked and they looked at each other. "What is it?" she replied.

 "How do you know if you're pregnant?" I whispered to her. "Oh My God" she said and then Lourdes grabbed my hands and we all walked back to the med bus. After we got there , Dr. Glass handed me the pregnancy test when Cody is not looking.

 "Where did you get this?" I whispered.

 "It must have been mixed up with all the other meds" she whispered back and told me to try it right away and return here once I'm done.

 An hour have passed , I am sitting in my bed and looking at this thing. It has two lines in it , I know what that means. I am pregnant , "Shit just got real" I thought to myself. I ran back to the bus and I looked at Anne and she knows that the answer is "Positive".

 She then walked me out and told me that she's gonna be there every step of the way. That even if Ben won't accept it , she'll be willing to help me out. "Thanks" I said and then hugged her really tight , I am crying because of I really don't know. A mix of Sadness and Happiness I guess.


 We all gathered at Captain's tent to have our regular dinner ; The Mason family ,  Anne , Lourdes , Maggie , Tector, Allison, Cody , Anthony , Dai and him. I decided to use this opportunity to ask her if she really is pregnant.

 "Hey" I said and tehn sat beside her. "Hello there" she replied while eating. "So tomorrow's the mission huh?" I said.

 "Yeah" she replied.

 "Uh .. Allison , about your joke this morning. There's some truth in it right?" I whispered to her and she looked at me. "Are we seriously doing it here?" she replied.

 "Yeah. Are you pregnant?" I whispered again.

 "I don't know what you're talking about"

 "All I need is a yes or no"

 "You're wasting your time Ben"


 "Okay fine ! I am pregnant ! Happy now???!" she shouted and everyone looked at us. I saw her face , and she too was shocked at what she just did. I looked at Dad and he stopped eating. Meanwhile, Hal dropped his spoon and said "Oh Shit".

 So it's true , I'm gonna be a father. Allison then got up and ran out of the tent. "Allison!" I called out and ran after her.

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