Chapter Twenty Seven : "Backlash"

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 Allison's P.O.V

 The whole 2nd Mass started treating us even worse after the incident with Red Eye. It is because just the morning after , Mechs attacked us. We were able to kill them but everyone thinks we brought them here and that Ben and I are the ones to be blamed.

 So this is how Ben feels like everyday since he got deharnessed. Even Cody is quite distant too. I tried to talk to him but he said he wants some space. I can't blame him though , the memories of his time with the skitters is really fresh and it hurts me seeing him like this.

 We have to move again and so we returned to the woods. Several days have passed and things are really really confusing and hard. To make things worst , something is happening to me for the past 3 days. And it's happening always , I have "morning sickness".

 "This can't be" I thought to myself. I still keep this as a secret since I don't think anyone will be psyched about it. I know I'm not. I was holding a cup of water and poured it in front of my mouth to wash the vomit away.

 Suddenly Lourdes came inside my tent and saw all the mess on the ground. "What happened Allison?" she asked.

 "I'm not just feeling great" I said and then she looked me in the eyes and asked me directly if this is not the first time it happened.

 "No" I said.

 "Did you vomit yesterday morning?"


 "And the morning before that?"


 "Alli ... I think you're pregnant" she said and my heart just sunk. I can't be pregnant , I can't affort to deliver a baby in a world like this ... I don't want to.


 "Suckerfish .. where are you going?" I turned around and saw Matt looking at me. "Just for a walk , I like the cold morning air" I said.

 "Snow might come down any day from now"

 "You're right Matt" I said and tehn he walked towards me.

 "What are you doing?"

 "I'm walking with you" he then said to me.

 "Fine .. but it's gonna be pretty quiet"

 "It's fine .. I need time to think too"

 "I don't know. You know the other day , I saw Cody lifting huge trucks"


 "Yeah. I tried to talk to him about it but he says he doesn't want to talk. Please Ben , Talk to him"

 "Okay I will" I said and then we continued walking towards the woods.


Allison's P.O.V

 I am feeling really sick the whole day so I just stayed in bed. Also , people are treating me like shit that's why I don't have anything interesting to do.

 Then suddenly Ben came into my tent. "Hey" he said and smiled at me. "Where you've been? I've been looking for you the whole day" I said.

 "Me and Matt just went to the wood. pent some brotherly time"

 "I have to tell you something" My heart is pounding. I don't know if I should tell him this. I'm not even sure yet.

 "I know what it is"

 "Really?" I asked.

 "It's about Cody."

"Yeah? Oh... how did you find out what's going on?"

 "Matt told me. Don't worry Allison , I'll talk to him" he said and then hugged me really tight. "What are you doing here anyways? Why don't you go out?"

 "I'm not feeling well" I said , deciding to put the "Pregnant talk" in the back of my mind just this time. "Okay , I hope you'll feel better 'cause it's getting very lonely out there" he said and then kissed me.

 "I will" I said and then pinched his nose and he laughed. I don't know if I could ruin what we have right now , one thing is sure , he'll change once he finds out that I might be pregnant.

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