Introduce The Main Character

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My name is Nya or Nini, I am 17 years old and I will be the main character in this book. I am light skin mixed with a lot of breed; Black, Indian and Puerto Rican. I'm a junior in high school attending at Central High Academy. My height is 4'11 and I was born and raised in California before my parents passed away. I was only 5 years old when they died from a car accident. I had a little sister who was in my mother stomach, she died with her on the scene. They was heading to the final doctors appointment that day, and my mother was so excited. My dad always was with her, making sure she was okay. He never left her side, they was love birds. I felt this instant gut feeling in my stomach that something was going to happen that day but I looked at it as a stomach pain or hungry. Later, I was starting to worry or wonder where they were.. The police came and told my grandma on my mother side. She was on crack. She didn't wanted nothing to do with me anymore, that's when they put me in a foster home. I had went with this lady name Karen. She took so much care of me, and raised me to the person I am today. I found out I had a little brother on my real family side as well, turns out he was around for a while. His name was Maliek. He got adopted by Karen too. I helped her took care of my little brother because he had cancer at the age of 4 years old. I was sad that he wasn't getting no better but he eventually ended up dying. I was broken hearted, alone, frustrated from why my closes real family members had to leave me in this world alone. I'm glad Karen never gave up on me. I started looking at her as my real mother and we lived a happily life together.

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