Chris P.O.V

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I was sitting on the couch , chilling and texting this girl i met an couple days ago.. shes cool, cute and seem freaky? Rhianna came right behind me seeing who i was texting, she said " Who tf is that chris?" I rolled my eyes and said " Nobody" she smacked the back of my head, damn man that shit stang like a bitch. I yelled " Girl what tf is that for? " She semi-yelling " Who is that chris dont be fucking lying to me" I waved her off & walked towards the bedroom, she followed and said yelling " chris fucking answer me" I turned around fast and said yelling " aye first of all shut the fuck up yelling at me, and 2nd its nobody stop worry bout who im talking too." I started to put on my vans sitting on the bed. Rihanna was just standing there, angry.. I didnt give a damn how mad she is! I ignored her, she grabbed my phone and seen the message it says " come over, i miss you already baby!"
I jumped up grabbing my phone from her, She was hitting me.. I pushed her towards the wall and said " Bye Rihanna im leaving fuck this relationship , you not gonna keep putting yo hands on me.." I grabbed my coat and was finna walk out until Rihanna grabbed my arm pulling me back tears was steaming down her face fast. I looked away looking a bit annoyed, She always tripping man.. She said " no baby , please dont leave me i love you stop! i just wanna know who were you talking too chris" She covered her face in her hands and busted out crying even more. I walked out, i cant fucking deal with this shit right now i need n break.. I went over girl house London's thats the girl name.

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