Daryl P.O.V

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So sad for Chris and Nya having to loose his first real love and her best friend. I will pray for them, but when me and Paris broke up last week ago.. I really dont think i want her, every since her and Nya been getting close i want Nya so badly i miss her so much!
I was heading out towards India and Daniel gravestone with Nya she wanted to see them, I convinced her to go see them since she never went to their gravestones ever since they both died. I picked her up, She was looking beautiful. She had on a Blue half shirt, some light cut up jeans that's folded at the end, a black MK purse and some blue sandles with jewelry.. her hair was in a cute bun with her baby hair yeah she know how to dress right. I miss Nya though, she's going to be mines again! As i was outside waiting on her she came out and walked to the car then opened the door and got in... I drove off we had an 15 min silent car ride, so i spoken up "So are you ready? " i said looking at her then looking at the road. She said "i guess Daryl" she said as her phone started ringing. She answered it.. 
Nya: hello?
Caller: hey nya its me Orlando.
Nya: oh hey lando wassup?
Orlando: wassup? yeah i was trying hang with you today i missed see ya ma. 
Nya: *blushed while giggling* do you?
Orlando: hell yeah but wyd ma? 
Nya: going to see India and Daniel gravestone, and nothing else planned as far as i know?
i looked at her with an mean mug, tf is she on the phone while im around and its an nigga? she got me fucked up yo. I said " hang up" she looked at me crazy and said " um excuse you? i dont have to listen to you Daryl" then she continued to talk on the phone.. i was getting angry!
Orlando: let me know when you done, im dead ass too Nya.  Nya: *laughs* okay. 
Orlando: talk to you later babygirl
Nya: alright. 
I pulled over then said yelling " DONT NEVER ANSWER THE PHONE AND TALK TO ANOTHER NIGGA AROUND ME IGHT?! THAT SHIT DISRESPECTFUL ASF" she said looking at me crazy and getting an attitude " YOU KNOW WHAT IM LEAVING IM NOT YOUR CHILD DARYL, GET THAT THREW YO HEAD MAN!!! I REALLY HATE YOUR GUTS! " i looked at her shocked and still a bit angry.. She got out and slammed the door! I got out too and ran after her "Nya where you going? " i grabbed her waist she moved my hands Nya said "you always trying to treat me like an little girl im not your daughter.. I dont wanna go nowhere with you anymore im going home." I stood there... Why would she say that? But i put my emotions to the side. I said " Nya im sorry, it wont happen again. I miss you! i want you back" She said " i have an boyfriend Daryl" That broke my heart i said " who? " getting angry again..  She said " I was just playing i dont have an boyfriend and i dont want one either" I took her home after the visit she had for India and Daniel. i wonder if she really meant what she had said early?

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