Karen P.O.V

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I was at home cleaning up listening to Let Go - Dewayne Woods .. I begin to do the kitchen until my phone runged. I looked at my phone before picking it up, it says Caller ID so i picked it up and said "hello" some famaliar voice said "hey beautiful how are you? " i looked at my phone once again, then responded "um im doing fine may i ask whom this may be? " the caller said "its me Tyrone you met me at the store earlier an couple of days ago.. " i smiled trn frowned why is he calling me so late i thought we was.. Nevermind i said "oh yeah hello tyrone so what happened to that day wasnt we was suppose to go out to eat?" I rolled my eyes.. He said "oh yeah im sorry angle i had some things to handle, but today we can.. @5 ill come get you if its okay with you" i said " um okay cool yeah its fine.. See ya at 5 Tyrone" he said "okay love bug" then i hanged up.. I finished what i was doing then i got into the shower, got out and went to my closet i put on an tight black short fitted dress that my daughter Nya brought me for Mother's Day and the silver heels she also bought for me.. I add some jelewary and flat iron my hair straight down.. Add an bit of makeup and grabbed my wallet purse and went to the living room waiting on him, since i am waiting on him im texted my daughter Nya to see what she doing today its so nice out 80 degrees today on an Friday! Great weather.. I said "hey honey what are you doing on this beautiful day and guess what" she respond " hey mama and taking Rihanna out on my treat! You should come too? But what is it? " i said " i got an date to attend to but i hope you and riri have fun today i love you both so much! And im wearing that outfit you brought me on Mother's Day .. She said " 😊 thats great mom good choice, and im glad you finally going out other then working all the time.." Yes im back working at the same place .. But i said " lol oh honey please 😂" she said " lol mommm.. But where is yall going?" I said " i dont know he didnt say" She right where is we going.. I finally got an phone call so i answered it "hello" Tyrone said " hey beautiful im outside" i said " okay here i come" Nya texted me back " mom who is he? And enjoy yourself i love you" i said " Tyrone, girl he is so handsome but okay love i will for you and i love you more he is here so i gotta go.. Smoothies!!! 💋" she said " okay lol xoxo" i smiled then left .. Once i got into the car he smiled and drove off it was fun we talked the whole way there with full of laughter, and enjoyment! I know he is the one for me...

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