Karen P.O.V

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I was at the gas station buying some snacks and gas. I was at waiting in line, until this fine men spoken to me.. he said "hello how are you" i smiled while looking into his deep dark brown eyes, then said " im doing fine, thank you for asking how are you" facing him. he looked light skinned, with facial hair and very handsome, buff and looks like he's in his 30s.. seem sweet i like him already. he said " im doing good, thank you! i wanted to ask you pretty lady if i can take you out to eat whenever your free." i blushed then responded " im free today, i would love too.. here's my number im Karen by the way.." he smiled while reaching to grab my number and said "thank you, and im Tyrone" i said "your welcome have an nice day" while i paid for my stuff before walking out, Tyrone stopped me and said " beautiful i will give you a call a little later , have an good rest of the day karen" i blushed again.. man i am liking tyrone so much! he is my type, i started back walking to my car putting the gas in it, i heard an familiar voice calling my name.. i turned around you will not believe who i just see... VICTOR! Thats my husband well my divorced husband, he's darkskin , brown eyes , buff , and has alot of tattoos on him.. hes also tall .. but he walked up towards me, i tried to rush and close my tank. he grabbed my wrist and kissed my neck making me moan softly and quietly.. he knows that my turn on spot, but i stopped him.. he said " i miss you karen i need you back baby " i said irritated " get away victor" He stared at me for a little bit and looked down then said " please baby.. i miss you and my baby Nya how is she? i really gotta see her, i miss my daughter." i looked away and got into my car started it up and said " well maybe you shouldnt never treated me like that, and i bet you do victor" he said " please karen im begging you, i need to see her its just an visit.. " i said looking up at him " fine only this one time, when do you wanna see her?" he smiled and said " later on today" i said shaking my head " um i dont think so, im not going to be available later on today so either right now or never?" he stood there in silences. i signed and texted Nya
message to daughter Ny:
" nya sweetie, i just bumped into your dad victor at the gas station. he said he wants to see you today, can you meet me at my house right now? i love you honey see you soon."
I looked at him as i sent the message to her.. i said " so i just texted her and said today so get in" he did as told. i drove home in silence, we dont a socialize anymore because he's an lier and a whole cheater. i couldnt take it anymore so i just got an full divorce on him. we got to my house about 30 mins, and we both gotten out and went inside.. we was waiting on Nya.
Nya P.O.V
As i was at home with my love Daryl. He has been an over protective boyfriend ever since that day.. its annoying and cute at the same time but i was laying down in the bedroom, i had on some blue jean pants thats cut up and a white and black nike shirt with my white and black athlete socks, i put my hair into an high ponytail and relaxed. Daryl was in the living room smoking and listening to music. i had gotten an text message from my mother karen she said " nya sweetie, i just bumped into your dad victor at the gas station. he said he wants to see you today, can you meet me at my house right now? i love you honey see you soon." i just sighed and gotten up. i walked to the closet and grabbed my white converse. i grabbed my keys and phone then walked towards Daryl. He looked at me and said " where you going" i said " moms " he said " oh everything straight?" i said " yeah my dad just wanna see me" he looked at me with an biggest smile ever causing me to giggle. he's so silly. he said getting up " baby have fun, if you need me call me or anything i love you" i said walking out " ill will and i love you too daryl" i finally got there , my mom opened the door and there he was.. just sitting there not saying anything...

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