Nya P.O.V

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2 weeks ago..
Something ain't right here. Daryl been over Paris house longer than mines. I'm pregnant with his child and he haven't been home in 2 weeks. He have some nerve to act like this with me like I'm Paris. He can get the fuck on with that shit. Yes, we ain't on good terms currently. We been fighting every since I told him I was pregnant. I wonder Him and Paris was like that too. My niece is here by the way, and she's adorable. Her name is Alanna. She's 7 ounces and 6 pounds. She's a light bright with light brown eyes and full head child. She looks more like Paris then Daryl but i guess you can say she has a split image of him in her. She's gorgeous. I can't wait to meet my child. My sister wasn't proud that I was pregnant but she gave in and said she'll support me either way. Our mom was happy for the both of us. She done felled in love with Alanna. But yeah so Daryl been with her every since and I am getting sick and tired of this nigga. I do have a friend guy now though, and his name is Alex. Remember when Rihanna took me to the club and I met a boy who I was dancing on until Daryl walked up on us. His name is Alex so yeah.. him anyways we cool and all. He likes me though I can tell by the way he acts around me and shit. I'm thinking about leaving Daryl and just letting him be with Paris since he got Alanna to take care of. I'll take care of my own child fuck him. He's a deadbeat boyfriend so I don't need him. I don't want a relationship right now though. Alex probably will get a chance one day but not now.. maybe I will break up with Daryl right now. I called up Daryl as I sat on the couch, it rung then went to voicemail. I did that about 3 times then the last time he finally answered it.
"Wassup" he said. I rolled my eyes and started going the fuck off on his ass, plus it's just my hormones of being pregnant.
" Man chill out dude you already yelling and shit. I'm not even doing shit you on some bullshit man that's all yo ass do. I'm out doing something with my child so I'll talk to you later" He said then hung up on my face.
I cried and laid on the couch. He always doing this man. I'm so tired of this and him. I can't keep getting treat like shit and I'm not about too either. I texted his phone, and then went to find some snacks to eat as I watch television.
"You know what.. Actually just be with my sister. I am done with you Daryl. I'm not about to keep getting treated like this and expect you to talk to me any type of way or anything. I'll take care of my child I don't need help from you. Worry about my niece Alanna. You is a deadbeat boyfriend. Fuck you!" I said through text.. like seriously though man I'm tired of this shit. I'm pregnant man with yo child and you wanna take me through hell with em. He such a asshole. He texted me back talking about some "Yooo.. STFU and I'll be home in 10 mins.. See you soon crazy ass girl" Boy if you don't get the fuck on with that bullshit.. I'm not about to hear or see this nigga. I know what he on, and I'm not gonna let that happen. He better go towards Paris way I'm not doing it NOPE! "What you coming over here for? I'm not letting you in so go over Paris house where you been at." I said. He responded "What are you talking about Nya. I been over my bro and mom crib. You on some other shit and I don't got time for it. I'm outside come open the door, and I haven't been over Paris only for Alanna. You tripping that's all." I replied "Whatever" I answered the door and sat on the couch. I was staring at him. He walked in and locked the door then sat next to me. He said " shut up tripping on me. I'm not leaving you and I mean that, and you ain't going to be taking care of my seed all by yourself. I put in work for that child in your stomach so imma put in work in being a father in it's life the fuck you thought this was" I rolled my eyes and started to cry. He shook her head and said " what you crying for now man. I'm serious I'm not going nowhere. My bad for not being around you just having pregnancy mood swings and that's it. You think I'm cheating on you when I only want you. I swear to god me and Paris ain't got shit going on. She just playing baby mama role. I'm not letting you go, and my child in your stomach ain't finna have a dead beat dad. Aye actually watch yo mouth talking to me crazy saying some deadbeat boyfriend. I'm not I just be on some moving around shit. But you all good I'm here now." I looked at him and wiped my tears. I stood up and walked away which was upstairs. Since he thinking I'm playing and this a joke I'll pack my shit and leave. I called my mom and she's on her way. Im not playing fuck him. He think he slick, and shit talking about moving around and shit yeah ight... moving around other bitches houses. I went to the room and packed everything of mines. It was hard cause certain things I couldn't get cause I was pregnant and I'm short. He put them up there. He came to the room and seen what I was doing he said " yo what you doing? Where you going?" I said "leaving you since you think this is a joke. I have feelings Daryl and I am not going to keep dealing with this or you period yo" as I was still packing up my shit. He started grabbing my stuff and putting it back. I was grabbing it but he pushed me back. I started throwing punches at his ass, and he was holding me. I still was beating his ass, and he threw me across the bed. He finished grabbing my shit and I threw something at him which made him angry. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down from the bed and started to taking off my clothes. I was trying to get away. He took my shit off and his off then basically started fucking me. It hurted at first then started feeling good, and I was being a dumb ass and started to love it when moan. I was so caught up in my feelings and my mood was so confused which was every mood I could have I did. I'm so crazy over this boy man, I mean you ain't meant Paris craziness but me is to the extreme. We did that for basically the whole night. I had to tell my mom I changed my mind. I'm so in love with this boy.. he knows how to make me fall for him.

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