Nya's P.O.V

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I was just woke up again from an little quick nap.. I heard my phone ringing i tried looking for it.. and i found it. It says "Damien calling" I rolled my eyes and sat up. I was wondering why he called me? I didnt cared so i ignored him. Then it rung again this time i chosen to pick up, i said "hello" he said "wassup nya" i said "what you want" he responded " i justed need to talk to you in person it's something serious." I got silent all of an sudden, I seen Daryl walking in.. Daryl looking at me curious then said "who you on the phone with" i said "some irrelevant person" He shooked his head and walked out the bedroom in silent into the living room. Damien said "did i just heard another nigga nya? " he sounded mad as hell . I didn't knew what to say so i said "ill talk to you some other day." Damien said "remember what i said ny, lemme find out & it ain't going to be nice" I Ignored and just hunged up on him, I got up out the bed and went to the living room, and i sat on the couch and watched him as he was putting groceries away.. I said "are you mad at me" he aint say anything.. I was getting frustrated because i wanna know why is he so upset with me. I asked again "Daryl answer my question why are you ignoring me?" He stopped and looked at me an said "who you was talking too, Why you didn't just say they name Nya? I mean I just wanted to know who you was on the phone with? " I crossed my arms and caught an whole attitude " so your getting mad at me because i didnt want to say who i was otp with? Daryl look at me..." I grabbed his face and turned it towards me, he said "what man? " I said " loose you attitude" he said " well dont be talking to no niggas period" then he just finished what he did and went to take an shower. I was mad as fuck because we literary just argued about some dumb shit. I went to the room and slam the door. He said "Nya quit fucking slamming doors, i dont care if you catching attitudes or none of that bullshit. " I just tried going back to sleep.

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