Paris P.O.V

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3 weeks later..
Well Nya is better, she and i have been talking and hanging even though it seems an bit strange but, thats my sister i have to communicate with her some day. The day we found out was an terrible day! I still think about it, i just wish Karen would of been told us other then years from now. I love my mom, but she did an bad thing. I forgive her though, but anyways today i was suppose to hang with Nya and Rhianna. We was suppose to be getting our nails done, and out to eat then my doctors appointment. Rhianna and I are officially friends now that girl is crazy man lol. I was at home getting ready so i went to the back and into my closet and grabbed out some dark jeans that has cuts in the front, an white spaghetti strap long shirt and my white Huraches and grabbed my white Michael Kor purse then i went to add a little bit of make up on with hoop earrings, and put my hair into an messy bun. I was waiting on them so i went to the living room, and i seen Daryl laying there on his phone while he banging music in the speakers that we have. I said smacking the top of his head softy " daryl turn the music down and move your legs dude." he smirked and said " nah sit on my lap" i stood there. he grabbed me and put me on top of him, i said laughing and whining " daryl" he kissed my cheek and said " where yo fine ass going" i said " with Rhianna and my sister". He hates when i say my sister instead of Nya, because he feels bad.. So i said looking at him which he was looking a bit annoyed "I'm sorry i meant to say Nya, and fix your face rat" i give him an kiss in the forehead. I love Daryl, but he's just my babies daddy. I'm really single if y'all wanna be technical. He just here for his child, not me lol. I'm like 5 months already, geeeshhhh man I'm getting bigger and bigger! i look like an pumpkin that's about to explode. I feel my phone ring so i answered , it was Nya.
Lil Sis 👭: hello..
Me: yes sister..
Lil Sis 👭: come on rat..
Me: *laughs* i know you didn't just come at me the wrong wayyy, but here i come ass-eater.
Lil Sis 👭: *laughs* okay.
She hunged up.. I said to Daryl while i was walking towards the door " bye BABYDADDY" then i stuck my tongue out doing what Carlie B does.. He laughed and said "bye lil girl give daddy an kiss" i rolled my eyes and left. I got in her car and we was on our way to get our nails done. I know i will enjoy myself with them two..
Nya P.O.V
I went to get my sister Paris, then headed up to the nail salon. Paris looking cute for what though? I looked at her then looked back on the road asking " why you all cute for?" she smiled then said " no reason its just how i dress love" i said " look at me Paris , where else is we going since you wanna get cute.. Lemme find out Rihanna got cute too imma go back home and change." she laughed then said " well she said shes wearing something like mines but an spaghetti strap half shirt and some shorts thats cut up in the front with sandals and her hair is into an messy bun lol so shes cute!" i rolled my eyes and 10 mins later we pulled in. I called Rihanna..
Rhianna: hello bitch...
Me: tf is you getting cute for? and are you here?
Rhianna: momma dropping me off we almost there and because i can fat head. Are you looking cute? what you wearing bitch?
Me: some leggings, flip flops and a hoodie and i hate yall you and Paris ass.
Rhianna: bitch dont get mad at me cus i do this for an living.. you know me always dressing up for anything.
Me: whatever bitch.. are you here now? i thought i just seen you..
Rhianna: yeah bug eye lil bitch im here, where tf is you and bae ass at?
Me: in my car waiting for yo frog eye having ass to come on..
Rhianna: bitch boo, come on..
Me: mhm lil hoe.. here we come!
i hunged up and we got out then started to walk up to the door and we seen Rhianna, this bitch always trying to look cute.. I rolled my eyes they started laughing and we walked up to the counter.. the lady is black? bitch whatttt .. the lady said " what are you here to get done lady's?" i said " all of us is getting our nails done ma'am" she sat all of us down, then we all started getting our nails done laughing having fun.. Rhianna got the coffin nails (long) but Blue and Silver, Paris got the Normal style (long) but Pink ( Matte) and Gold, and I got the coffin nails (long) but Light Pink and Silver with Gold Line threw the middle of the silver.. We payed then left, Rhianna rode with us and now we are headed to Paris doctors appointment. Paris turned the music all the way up, i guess this her song but Run It Up - Jose Guapo was playing.. Rhianna was lit in the back seat lmao so was Paris.. I was cracking up laughing! 20 mins later we got to her appointment, we got out and went inside.. we waited then the doctors finally called her in but i came with her and so did Rhianna. Today she finds out what shes having, and i wanna know if im having an niece or nephew! I was kind of excited. Once we got inside the room they was asking questions and stuff then they did check ups... Then the nurse left we are waiting on her real doctor, so i finally spoke up " im so excited Paris." She smiled then said " aww me too, i really hope its an girl again". I said " I wish i couldve met Kennedy before she died" I looked at Paris who seems to be crying.. I hugged her then said " Paris stop crying, its okay shes in an a better place!" I gave her an kiss on the cheek. The doctor finally came in, She said " hello Paris" Paris said " hey" She said " how are you" Paris said " fine" She said " wheres Daryl" Paris said " at home" i got annoyed.. She said " oh okay so who is these girls?" Paris said pointing to me " Thats my sister Nya" and Paris pointed to Rhianna and said " and thats our friend Rhianna" She said " hey" to us and we said " hey " back.. a little later she told us what Paris was having which is an .... babygirl! i was so geeked well rhianna was too.

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