Nya P.O.V

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I felt Daryl kissing my neck and was trying to get me up. I didn't want to wake up so i continue to stay sleep. He then said "baby get up, we gotta talk" I woke up and looked at my phone to see what time it is. It was 9:45pm. I look at Daryl and said "what do we have to talk about?" I said it with an attitude because i just dont feel like dealing with him. He said "baby its something i gotta tell you that i never spoken on before because it's not what i want to bring back up as memories, but i hope you would understand without getting upset." I said sitting up on the bed looking at him nervously "what is it?" He said looking at me then looking down " I got another girl pregnant down in Chicago baby im sorry, i really wasnt thinking." I was silent, stiffed and shocked i didnt know what else to do or say. I honestly wanted to break down into tears but i feel the heat boiling up in me and it's not good.. Then i got out of the bed and started to pace the floor which is walking back and forth, then i respond curiously and upset "when did this happen Daryl? why you didn't tell me? why did you even cheated on me?" He got up and walked towards me, grabbing my hands and looking sad "I am sorry Nya. I know i fucked up, but trust me everything will be okay." I got so heated i swear i wanted to smack him " Everything's going to be alright? Honestly Daryl i thought you was the one for me but i guess not, sometimes you gotta learn from the hard way, why? what did i do to you? you lied to me. I can't stay with you I hate that i catched feelings for you.." I started to cry instantly... Man its so hard leaving the person you're in love with. I then cried and cried Hes an father now, not with me but an different girl.. He said " Nya lis--" I cut him off and started to pack my stuff ignoring him. I put on my clothes i had on the other day.. Then said looking at him " I hope you take care of your children, be an good father and I hope you have an nice life. I cant do this with you, That hurted me so badly its crazy but my lesson learnt. Bye Daryl " I left the room, until he grabbed my wrist and said "Nya you have every right to be angry at me, shit im angry at myself, i love you Nya.. i am sorry, dont do this i swear you gone regret it..." i looked at him crazy an respond yelling "im going to regret it boy please, im done", and out his house i started to bust out crying. I can't take it, my life is an living hell.

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