Rihanna P.O.V

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I was leaving the hospital, i really hope my bestfriend Nya is okay! i already lost one of em, im not trying to lose another. I miss India too, i gotta see her soon. I got into my car, started it up and drove home.. Mom wasnt there she always working so i just went to order me some Hot wings from Pizza Hut. I went to my room and towards my closet i grabbed some hot pink and black zebra print booty shorts, a white tank top and my slippers. I put them on, grabbed the money then went downstairs.. About 10 mins later The food was here, i was watching Finding Destiny from B.E.T , I ate and 15 mins later i received an call so i answer!
Me: hello ..
Caller I.D : hello is this Rihanna..
Me: um yeah who this?
Caller I.D : anywho, who and what do you want from Chris.
Me: i dont want anything from him, i dont even care about him anymore honestly who tf is this..
They hunged up .. I was looking at my phone then i shrugged. Im still worried about Nya so i Prayed then felled asleep after i finished eating.

London P.O.V
I was at home waiting on my baby Chris. I love him already! We was just talking otp but he said he had to go, and i told him i was waiting on him cus he got an surprise.. which is me!

Nya P.O.V
So all i see is darkness, i know i can hear doctors.. Im guessing im in the hospital. I miss seeing stuff, I wonder who notice that moment or even be here? probably nobody shitttt. I just thought about what happened before, I dont wanna hear, see or even be around Daryl anymore and Neither my mom. they was the ones that cause this. Somebody knocked on the door and i heard him. It was Daryl, I felt like crying but i couldnt. He touched me, I Dodge it. He signed and i said " your girlfriend is going to kill you if your in here talking to me." he said " no she's here, she said she's sorry .. it hurts her too. " i signed. We talked and talked , I just let all that what happened today go and enjoyed his company.. 

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