Q&A Part 2

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"Welcome to the reunion of Love An Pain. It's your host Tati, and right now I have Chris, Daryl, Nya, Paris, Kobe, London and Tyrone on the stage. Let's get into the show.."

Host: So the first question is for Chris and London. How are your relationship going on so far? London what did you had? How's the parent role going on for y'all?

Chris stated as he was leaning in the chair,"I ain't been fucking with her. I've been doing me, I only come around for my child. I'm single."

London rolled her eyes. She said "The fact you saying that is beyond wrong, you've been doing me dirty since I was pregnant holding your seed. Lame ass nigga. I'm glad you saying all of this on television, But to answer your question.. I'm single, I'm not looking for another relationship. I'm taking care of my son. I had an boy named Trayvon and he's 8 months. Parent role is hard sometimes but i'm not gonna get into that. I'm taking care of my child as much as I can and I got great supporters on my side of the family. His peoples not claiming my child because they think i'm hoeing around and it's not his. Currently going through some court stuff with all of them but T.M.I"

Host: *looked shocked* Wow.. I hope things get better for you London and Chris. Next question goes to Paris. Hi, I know you're new to my show, so Who is the real father? Kobe or Daryl? and How you felt when you found out you had to share baby daddies with you sister? Truthfully."

Kobe smiled. Daryl was looking at Paris like she was in trouble if she say something he didn't know.

Paris semi-laughed "Aha.. My daughter father is Daryl. He's the Biological father, Kobe and I wasn't dating or messing around when I was with Daryl. Kobe wants Alanna to be his so bad. I felt like that's trifling to share the same boy as your sister, I never would've thought of accepting that truthfully. I hated that we had to share the same exact boy. Even though we wasn't together, only for the sack of our child Alanna it's still weird because he's around both of us so when we out somewhere we both have to be it's mad weird. I just had to get over it and accept it even when I didn't wanted too." Shrugging her shoulders.

Nya said "If you felt like that why you ain't speak up on it? You think I like sharing the same exact man as you, that is so nasty. I don't! I never liked the fact that y'all was together."

Daryl said "Nya chill out.. It's not even like that. She's just speaking on how she felt about that. You got some anger problems for no reason." Nya flicked him off.

Host: hmm.. interesting! So Karen, hows the relationship going on with you and Tyrone?

Karen smiled and spoken," I would say it's great, he treats me so much better than my last relationship. I was in a toxic relationship with someone and I needed to get away asap. He helps me with everything, we only had 2-3 altercations that's it. We're also getting married, he purposed to me like 1 month ago."

Tyrone and everyone else claps and cheers. Nya and Paris was smiling from ear to ear, so was Daryl.

Host: Aww that's so beautiful, congrats on the purpose. I hope i'm invited to the wedding. The next question is for Nya. Last time we talked about your relationship with Daryl and your daughter Jaliyah. How's that going now?

Nya said,"We're coparenting. I tried to give him another chance but he took advantage of that. We had an huge altercation with the police being involved. Gladly my daughter wasn't there, he got locked up. But i'm currently seeing someone Alex. We've been dating and it's great. I love how he treats my daughter. He makes sure she's okay, takes her places, etc. My daughter is 4 years old now."

Daryl shook his head semi-yelling,"So this whole time you've been lying saying you single and been trying to have me come thru just for some dick, and you fucking with niggas around my daughter? You wild asf bro. I'll really beat his ass for trying to play step daddy with my daughter."

Nya said "Boy please stfu, we are not together. He's doing better than you and stop lying.. I never called you telling you to come give me some! Weird ass" Rolling her eyes and getting annoyed.

Host: hmm.. what happened? & Alex if you're here come into the stage and join us all.

Paris and Karen was clapping as Alex came to the stage. He sat next to Nya and gave her a kiss in front of Daryl. The tension between the both of them is getting real.

Host: So welcome to my show, I got a few questions to ask and this will be the end of it. Alex, hows the relationship going with you and Nya? How you feel about being a stepdad?

Alex cleared his throat as he answered," Our relationship is everything. I felled for her when I first saw her at the club and I had to get her. We was friends but we made it serious, and so I asked her out. She was so lonely, hurt, unloved, etc while she was taking care of Jaliyah but once we got together, I basically took over daddy role. She was happier than anything. She's my queen. I felt when I became a stepdad I wasn't mad at the mother more mad at the father for not really taking his responsibilities serious. I had to give Jaliyah a father figure who shows her love, attention and gets spoiled outta this world. She looked at me one day and said "Dada" So she finally started calling me that.. I know that's not my place for her to call me that but since i'm doing his role she might as well.."

Daryl got red and stood up yelling,"Nigga.. I'll beat your ass for saying some shit like that. She's my daughter, I made that seed. Nya you weird and wild for accepting that shit. I take care of mines, stop fucking playing with me."

Paris was holding him back, and Karen was lookin shocked. James didn't know what to do, Chris was on that too..

Chris said "Nigga chill for I have to beat somebody ass in this bitch. I don't got time for the bullshit. Bro, you take care of yours and Nya bro you tripping.. That shit ain't cool."

Nya said "Bitch please stop talking to me, you killed my best friend because you wanna be a dick, I am not trying to hear your input on anything about taking care of his when you and yo punk ass family ain't doing no better than downing this girl and Trayvon so please stfu.. Daryl i'll lock your ass back up because you steady capping talking about you do for your kids, but only taking care of one and it's Alanna. Fuck yo love and support bro, I don't need that shit and my daughter don't neither. Like he said she's calling him dada and not you because you want to act like my daughter ain't shit to you. I hate you bro." Starts to cry and walks off the stage.

Paris ran after her and so did London and Karen. Alex was right behind them. I had to cut the show short because things got hectic up there. Thank you for reading this show of Love An Pain. See you!

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