"Big News"

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I got home finally an went to sleep.

15 mins later..

"NYAAA" I heard karen screaming my name "NYAAA" Karen said I caught an attitude, and said "WHATTTT" Karen said " SOMEONES AT THE DOOR FOR YOU" I came downstairs and peeped threw the door. I seen RiRi,Damien, Chris and Daryl... I didn't seen India or Daniel.. I came and open the door then i seen Rihanna crying her eyes out.. I told them to come in, they came to my room then Chris said " look Nya we came here to tell you some bad news, India committed suicide because her boyfriend died in jail in his sleep, we all love you and rihanna. Everything will be better i know that was yall bestfriend since forever!" He hugged me as i broke down crying. I was hurt, India left me... Then Daryl came and hugged me he whispered in my ear " I love you Nya and come on i gotta talk to you " I didnt want to listening to him. I laid on my bed as everyone was leaving and i felled asleep.

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