Nya P.O.V

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I just dropped off Rihanna at her place we had sooo much fun, now im heading towards my moms im guessing some dude she likes wants to finally meet me. Lets see how this goes! anyways i pulled up once they did. It was another car parked in front of mines, i was thinking its his so texted my mom before getting out, but before texting her i seen missing calls and text messages from Daryl. i looked at the messages it says
Bae : nya answer my call. i need to talk to you man, stop acting like that!
My eyes started to get blurry looking at my phone, tears started to shed.. I miss him so much! But he left so we're done.
I walked towards my moms door and knocked. She answered and i really thought i was tripping but i seen some other girl and Daryl and some men. I turned around and walked out, why would my mom bring Daryl here.. i begin to cry as i walked towards my car.
My mom and Daryl came rushing towards me, My mom said grabbing me " Nya honey you seem shocked when you seem everybody in there whats the matter?" I said while Daryl standing right next to my mom " why would you invite him over here? i dont wanna see him." he looked down and signed " im sorry Nya, i didnt know he was coming baby if i did i wouldve been told you" my mom said. I continued to cry.. Daryl told my mom " can you give us privacy?" my mom shook her head and left , i said " what do you want" he said grabbing my wrist " you .. i miss you man, i was looking for you earlier! where were you" i said not looking at him " somewhere you dont need to know, im finna leave." he said kissing my neck " come in , you came to listen to your mom and meet ol dude." I signed sightly and he said giving me a kiss which last longer then i thought " I love you Nya". I didnt say nothing but shook my head. He wiped my tears and we walked inside together. Once we got inside i looked at the girl that was looking at me with her nose tune up and she looks about mad asf but i seen that shes pregnant. I was wondering if Daryl came with her or .. My mom said " okay so everyone Tyrone is here to meet the both of yall, Tyrone this is Nya my daughter" i smiled and said " hello nice to meet you Tyrone" he smiled and said " you too and you dont have to call me that, call me Ty if you like" i smiled again, He seem weird but cool i liked him. I looked at the girl and then Tyrone and ask " So is you going to introduce your daughter or whatever she is to you? " waiting for an answer. Daryl moved to the middle of Me and her. I signed, Tyrone looked at my mom then look back at me " thats not my daughter shes nothing to me." He said. I responded and look at her " so what are you here for and who are you?" Daryl cleared his throat And so did My mom. I crossed my arms, and give an weird expression look on my face. She said " Im paris, Kar-" karen interrupted her saying " OKAY GIRLS UM I GOT SOME NEWS TO TELL YALL, PLEASE SIT DOWN" i said looking confused and getting irritated " no im fine where im at , so talk mom." Paris said " um mo- " Daryl interrupt her saying " so what do you have to tell them Karen" Paris said " stop interrupting me im trying to talk to yall" I just stood there still with my arms crossed and getting impatient. My mom cleared her throat and said " okay so you Nya and you Paris is sisters.. I kept it an secret because i was afraid of what will happ- " Me, Daryl and Paris was shocked! I know damn well my mom didnt just said that Paris was my sister .. How?" I just ran out crying.. My mom sighed loudly as tears coming down her face running after me. " Im sorry Nya please forg-" she said I screamed at her saying "WHY WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?" Daryl came out yelling at Paris " stop man!" Paris was crying " you laid up with me and got me pregnant not Once but Twice and you was around Nya like shes your girl." I watched and so did my mom, I cried ! Daryl said " dont fucking do that Paris. Dont bring up Kennedy! & thats because i love her and shes my girl! " she walked up to me and said " so its you that he been having over his house" i said " yes" she said " stay away from him, hes mines im pregnant by Daryl" i said " idc anymore.. you can have him" then i looked at daryl and took this necklace he give me and give it back to him then said " goodbye daryl " he said falling me as i walk towards my mom " no nya .. look at me! im sorry please!" he grab my wrist i pushed his hands away. I turned to my mom and said " mom thank you for this day, i really loved it goodbye!"
I got in my car and started it up as Daryl started to bang on my car and said " nyaaa " i turned up my music which was playing Almost - Tamia. I begin to speed down the road when my eye sigjt was getting blurry, i thought i seen an truck so i tried to stop the car just in time but it went darkness..

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