London P.O.V

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"I have received the DNA test for Tayveon Saleem Jones and the test results of Christopher Tyler Jones came back that Chris you are 99.9 percent of the father." The judge said in the court. I instantly started crying because he knew it was his in the beginning. We had a whole argument the whole way here because he had second thoughts about my son. His family came up to me after court and said they sorries. He hugged me and said,"I'm sorry for putting you through this. I just needed to know for sure. I've been doing my job you know that. I love you London." I hugged him back crying on his chest. I just accepted that and let it go. So we left and went home. I hugged my son while sitting on the couch thinking about the whole court thing. I kissed his forehead and said "Mama got you forever babyboy." we was relaxing for the day on forward.

Karen P.O.V
I've been trying to reach my daughters so I can give them the news. I'm moving soon and I'm getting married to my fiancé Tyrone. He finally purposed to me. I haven't told my girls yet because they barely be around anymore. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating some food Tyrone mother cooked. I called Paris first but i'm trying to tell them both at the same time. I might invite them over if they isn't busy.
"hello mother" Paris said. "hello I've been trying to reach you what you been doing?" I said concerned. Paris said "I've been working lately. I haven't been available all this pass week. what's up?" I said "You spoke to your sister? and I'm trying to see if y'all available right now or atleast today. I gotta talk to y'all about something important." Paris said "No mother. I didn't spoke to her at all. I'm currently at work right now but I get off at 7pm so I will swing by that way afterwards. Is it bad?" I said "No daughter but I'll try to reach her. You can get back to work i'll see you when your off. I love you!" Paris said "Yea no problem, I love you too. See you soon!" We hung the phone up. I went to facetime Nya. I wonder why she been so distance lately. She answered the facetime call..
Me: Where you been? I've been trying to contact you and your sister. I just talked to her but y'all been having me worried lately.
Nya: I've been trying to stay outta the way mom. My daughter been my only focus. I work also, and attend school. I'm sorry for not answering your calls or text.
Me: I completely understand. You available today or right now? I have some important new to tell you and your sister. I will love for you to come over. How's Jaliyah? I miss my smarty pants.
Nya: I just got out of class and going to go get Jaliyah right now from her daddy. I will come over there after I pick her up. She's bad as usual but she's doing good. She's in preschool now. I am over exhausted from being a parent and a student and a worker.
Paris called me on facetime so I answered and added her into the call.
Paris: Mom I just got out early today. I'm about to head that way right now. Hey sister. How you been? Where's my liyah pooh?
Nya: Hey and she's with Daryl i'm on my way from my class going to get her. She's so bad. She in preschool now though and like I was telling mom this is stressful enough. I'm so glad I got some supporters.
Me: You know we will do anything for Jaliyah and you. Being a mother is a tough job but you have to be strong for her. I'm proud of the both of y'all. I can't wait see my grand babies again.
Paris: Girl I feel you. I can't believe she's in preschool. Alanna isn't in school yet because I haven't found her a school to attend too. She been asking so much about you Nya. Y'all she cussed yesterday trying to copy off of Daryl than gone laugh and start twerking. I don't know who she think she is.
Me: I know she didn't. Ima get in her booty for that. She so bad. I'm sure you was laughing afterwards. Put her in the school Jaliyah go too.
Nya laughing while looking on the road driving: I can't believe she cussed than start twerking. That sounds like Jaliyah forreal. They both just hardheaded. Jaliyah yesterday morning tried to run across the street to grab a toy she saw on the ground. I whooped her ass. She can go to the same school with her but I recommend putting her in the same class. But i'll be there i'm outside Daryl shit so I can get her. I'll call y'all back when she's in the car.
Me and Paris: Ok I love you.
She hung up quickly. She probably didn't hear us because she was moving quick. A couple minutes later Nya called back and I added her into the group facetime.
Nya: I'm back. Here her bad self go.
Me: Hey smarty pants. Granny miss you my love bug. I heard you was running in the street. Don't do that again ok?
She smiling and holding the phone showing her forehead. I smiled hard.
Paris: Hey liyah pooh. Tt miss you honey. You like your school?
Jaliyah: Grannyyyyy Ttttttt I got me a toy.
Me: You about to come see granny today love. I can't wait to hug and kiss on you. Granny been missing you and Alanna lately. You like your school?
Jaliyah: No.. Yes.. I like school I see you granny. I want come over your house.
Me: Ok you is. I'm sure you should be almost here.

We got off the phone because they pulled in. I saw my grand babies, I hugged and kissed on both of them. As they was playing around. Nya and Paris was talking about the kids and I interrupted them by telling them I was moving and I'm getting married soon. Nya said "Congratulations mom. I'm happy for you. Where you moving too?" I said "We moving out of state and thank you." Paris said "Out of state? no way. Mom how you gone spend time with your grand daughters. I don't feel comfortable for that." Nya shook her head in agreeing. I figured they was going to say that but I said "I know y'all don't feel comfortable about that, I'm just saying I don't want to be here forever. I want to atleast move out of town somewhere else. I can come get them what's wrong with that?" They said together "Ima have to think about that." We finished talking and stuff. They ate dinner over here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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