Nya P.O.V

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It was New Year's Day. I got up in a happy mood, I cut off a lot of unnecessary ass people out of my life. I gotta new relationship with no problems. I always will have my daughter together, and I don't gotta deal with my family unless it's important. My mom wanted us to come over for the holidays so that's where the movement going to be. I put on a red half shirt with no spaghetti straps, I put on the matching bottom piece which was a skirt. I had added a black biker jacket and some black heels. I put my hair into two bangs and a slicked high ponytail. I did my make up and grabbed my black handbag. I went and put deodorant and lotion on, perfume and I left out. Jaliyah was with her grandma on her dad side. I got in the car and played my music then pulled off. 20 minutes later, I stopped at the store to by some woods and I grabbed patron bottle and left out. I pulled up at my mom house and it was pretty much a family reunion going on. It was people coming in and out, bbq on the grill, blasting music, kids running around, and everything. I saw almost my whole family members. I noticed my mom talking to Paris and Daryl. I don't get why she always inviting this man to everything she has. I ignored them, and talked to my cousins and everyone else. I even saw my grandma and grandpa. I was starting to wish my daughter was with me. "Where is my grand baby at?" Grandma said. I looked at her "she's at her grandma house" She said "Oh. When ima meet her?" I said "As soon as I get her back" She nod her head and I kissed her cheek and my granddad than walked away. 16 minutes in the get together, Daryl noticed me. He walked up on me and said "I knew that was my baby mama" I ignored him and kept it pushing. He followed me while cracking a chuckle. He said "So you gone ignore me?" I said "I don't gotta talk to you. Jaliyah ain't with me and you know that because I know your mom tells you everything." He looked at me licking his lips, and said "You want me to roll your woods and suck on your toes for you to accept my apology." I said "I don't need you to do anything for me. You need to look out for your daughter, I'm already getting that treatment love." Paris saw us talking and walked up. She said "Dar- Oh hey Nya How are you?" I said "I'm living my best life. Get yo man cause he tryna suck on something need to go suck on some breath mints." I walked away. I was drunk and high. I wasn't trying to deal with Daryl cause I could've smack him but I ain't gone embarrass this nigga. I went in the house because I started feeling dizzy and went to my room upstairs. It was my old room when I was staying with my mom. She still got it set up how I had it. I laid in my bed and facetimed my daughter. "Mama.. I got candy see" Jaliyah said while showing me her candy. I said "It looks so good, can mama have some?" She said "Yes mama. I give you candy." I smiled while she tries to put the candy in my mouth thru the phone. She so goofy. I said "Wait until you come home to me and give me some. You can have that one since you opened it. I miss you stank." I said. She said "Miss you mama" I smiled hard and said "I love you with all my heart and soul pretty girl. My smarty pants." She blew me a kiss and I said my goodbyes and hung up. I took a nap.
Couple minutes later..
I got woke up to Daryl talking on the phone next to me. I instantly got up and said "Um.. you need to get out!" He looked at me and said "Stop tripping for a minute. I just wanted to take an nap with you, Jaliyah was asking for you." I said "Ok but I don't know why you in my room, we're not together & I definitely don't got time for Paris to be thinking i'm fucking around with you. I'm in a good relationship. So BYE!" I walked towards the door and he got up quick and shut it, I gave him a confused looked. He says while looking at me,"Why you keep playing with me? I don't give a fuck bout y'all situationship. Acting stuck up for nothing." I rolled my eyes and said "Bye Daryl" He received a phone call from Paris, and he ignored it. I said "Get out now! I'm not playing with you." He said "I'll be home to get Jaliyah." I said "I'll bring her to you, but get out." He smirked than left. I grabbed my shit and left.

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