Early In The Morning

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I woke up thinking about yesterday. I wish it was an dream how could she leave me like that? I could feel an tear drop coming, My phone was ringing so I answered it.. I said "Hello" in a dont wanna be bothered mood. " Hello... Nya im outside can i come in? " said the person otp. I knew it was Daryl. i said as i was coming "Come in" he opened the door. I said " you can sleep in the guest room" i went to my room and he followed me , i signed then laid down but he grabbed me and said " I miss you Nya, i know your hurt but im sorry for doing that.. forgive me" He pulled me towards him, i backed up then said " i cant Daryl you dont fucking understand you shouldnt cheated on me". He responded looking hurt "i didnt cheat on you nya, that been my babymama... She had our first kid but it died from a drive threw getting shot at this is our 2nd child together" his eyes begin to get watery then he sat down and put his hand on his face. I sat next to him, i was too busy not listening to him other then hearing the whole story. I said finally feeling bad " im so sorry for your loss. I didnt know" he said looking up at me " i love you im sorry for what i did, i was drunk man" i said " its okay Daryl no need to apologize and i love you too, im here for you okay" he said getting up then grabbing me , picking me up saying " i want you to come back home with me" i said " i am home Daryl" he shook his head and said " i want you to live with me baby" i said " i cant... Um im not old enough to leave my foster parents yet" he said "please i need you ny" i shrugged then said "okay fine" he kissed me gently and passionate, i kissed him back the same it lasted long... i begin to pack my clothes and shoes and jelewary , and alot of hydriene stuff that i need. We left after that.

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