That Day

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Rihanna P.O.V
I was in the back getting dressed until i heard the door.. I yelled " chris get the door" he signed and open the door. he said "its Nya" i heard them talking. i was wearing a long black sundress that's strapless, i put some black sandals on and add some jewelry on. i did my makeup and walked out off the room. i said " hey biiiitccchhh " nya smiled and hugged me then said " hey" i said " you ready ? " she said " yup " i turned towards chris and kissed him it was an make out session so it took about an min to break . he said " i love you rih have fun " i smiled and said " love you too dickhead " Nya hugged chris and said " bye " he said " aye Nya what Daryl on ? i might slide threw .. " she said shrugging her shoulders " i dont know he might be at home or somewhere with his thugs " me and chris gasped. did this girl just said thugs? i didnt know.. wow! i said " thugs? he in a gang nya i thought you dont like-" looking confused. she cut me off Nya said " yeah well im giving it a chance, i cant leave him .. " she sounded sad. chris was just standing there looking awkward. i said " okay so lets go" we got in the car and went to this party. Nya didnt know we was going to an club party.

Nya P.O.V
we got in the car. we was going to an party i said looking worried " what are we here for? " she said " just to have fun " i said " i thou- " she cut me off saying " common lets just have a little fun, Daryl or Chris will not know nothing brighten up girly" she smiled i gave her a fake smile then said to myself " rihannas right lets just have fun and they will not know anything" so i got out and went in it was liveeee . hella people was here they was playing " My Way - FettyWap " , i was at the bar getting some drinks Rihanna was too, until i noticed Daryl sitting in the V.I.P section while some girl whispering in his ear and laughing and kissing his neck. i said to rihanna " girl look over there and see if thats Daryl ... " she looked and shook her head then spoken " yup girl thats him, lets go" i said " nah its cool , let him have his fun with the lil bitch imma do the same." i noticed this boy looking at me he was lightskin , an fade and had alot of tattoos on him.. he was wearing some levis , red chucks , and red levi shirt with a gold necklace. he walked up to me and whisper in my ear "wassup shorty" i smiled and said "hey" he said "wanna dance" i looked at rihanna and she was looking like "bitch gooo" i giggled and started walking away with him.. he said "whats your name" i said "Nya" he smiled then respond " thats cute, im Tyler" we started dancing and i was feeling it but im still angry that Daryl is here with another female kissing all up on him so its my turn.
Daryl P.O.V
I was at this club party with the gang inside the V.I.P section. This fine ass shorty started talking to me, im just ignoring her. I looked at my phone, and seen some missing calls from Chris and Nya. i ignored it. I started drinking and smoking, this girl kissing me on my neck and really trying get fuck tonight. i said " aye ma ill be right back" she said " okay daddy" she winked at me. i just rolled my eyes. i noticed Nya dancing on another nigga, i instantly got pissed. she got me fucked up! i walked up to them and grabbed her arm, she yelled at me saying some bullshit.. i was ignoring her. she tried to get my hand of her arm, until we got out of the club. i said angry as hell "lets go" she said just standing there "im fine, i came here with rihanna so im staying with her" then she walked away i grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the car. she was yelling "let me go Daryl" i said yelling " hell nah, you wanna dance on other niggas and shit out here making me look stupid get in the fucking car Nya" she stood there looking like she was about to cry then said semi-yelling " you the one i noticed first, having some bitch kiss all over you an shit . you got some nerves worrying about me, you shouldnt even been here, and you talking about im out here making you look stupid whatever bye." she started to cry and walk away. i just shook my head. I left and went home, took and shower and put on some basketball shorts and athlete socks. I went to the living room and was listening to music smoking, thinking about Nya and what happened today.. i heard a knock at the door, i hope its Nya we really need to talk. It was Chris. i opened it and said " aw wassup" giving him a bro hug. he said walking in "wassup bro" we both sat on the couch, we both was talking and smoking until i heard Nya walking in so i peeped she looked at me and chris, then walked over to him and gave him a hug and said "hey" he said "wassup nya wheres rihanna? " she said " heading home now" he said getting up " alright then Daryl ill come threw tomorrow bro and bye Nya" i said still smoking giving him a dap "ight g" Chris left i looked at Nya she rolled her eyes. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

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