Nya P.O.V

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I woke up and look over, Daryl wasnt here. I signed and got up to take an shower i went to turn on the hot streaming water and went back in the room to the closet, i was deciding what to wear i grabbed an sun dress thats light pink and it has spaghetti straps but its cute and my creamy sandals. I grabbed my creamy purse and jewelry, i begin to get in took an 30 min shower and got out, i did my hygiene and put on my clothes and let my hair be down and curly today. i put a little makeup on, i grabbed my keys and lock up the house and went towards Rhianna way.. i need to step out!

Rihanna P.O.V
I was laying in bed, crying and crying and crying just balling my eyes out. I been with Chris for 3 years now, he knows i love him. I didnt meant to treat him like that, I am sorry for putting my hands on him. Why would he leave me? Ugh i feel like shit. I was about to go to sleep, when i heard an knock at the door.. if its chris imma be sooo happy i miss him so much, but i got up and answer it.. it was Nya! i just sign and said " oh hey" then i walked towards the couch in the living room and watched her she look confused she came and sat down and said " hey riri whats wrong?" i started to cry again i know she knows im hurt so i said " chris and i aren't together anymore, we got into an big fight yesterday night and i miss him so much" she shooked her head and pulled me into an deep hug i cried on her , she smell good as fuck but i said " thanks nya i love you boo " she said " aww baby.. why did yall fight for love? please dont be something stupid or im beating his ass yall are meant for eachother" i know she was getting irritated so i said " because i seen this text in his phone from another girl and she was calling him baby and i guess he was suppose to come over her house and some other bullshit, so i checked him and we started arguing i was getting mad so i hit him and he left and we broke up." i was hurt well still is .. Nya said " baby get up and get dress we going out bitch its time to forget about them, me and Daryl got into it too but idk if we broke up" she looked away and signed. I said " oh damn well okay lemme get dress and bitch you smell good as hell" she popped her collar and said " girllll i always smell good you know me , but gooo its my treat " i laughed and walked in the back .. took an 30 min dress and put on an light pink jumpsuit on , some heels that's creamy and jewelry.. i did my hair into an messy bun and add makeup on .. i did my hygiene and walked towards the living room. i said not looking at Nya " you ready? " she didnt answer i looked up and she was sleep i laughed then woke her up and she got up i grabbed my house keys and my purse and phone then left. I need this..

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