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As we walked in, I went into the back where his room is. I begin to take off my clothes, i felt someone staring at me so i turned around. It was Daryl he was licking his lips, i rolled my eyes and got into the bed.. he followed and did the same. 5 mins later, we both was sleep, im glad im his girl.. i love Daryl too much just to let him go, but then again i dont like that he's an thug .

Daryl P.O.V

i was downstairs grabbing something to snack on like a honeybun, i went upstairs into the guest room Nya wasnt in there, i then went into my room she was staying there taking her clothes off. i was licking my lips looking her up and down, man she gotta fatty. she looked at me, and rolled her eyes while she got into the bed. i did the same and got into the bed, we was quiet until i broke the silences .. "Hey baby" kissing her forehead , she said "Hey Dar".. i said " I love you, im glad i got you back". she didnt say anything, i looked at her then said "Bab-" i smiled she was sleep in my arms i kissed her on her forehead again and whisper "sweet dreams baby" then doze off. i know i didnt told her from the beginning, but im glad she understand im not letting her go any time soon. 

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