Daryl P.O.V

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4 weeks later ...

I dont know where is Nya. I havent heard or seen her in 4 weeks... This is stressing a nigga out but i wonder why she aint picking up my calls or even text messages. I hope shes good, i miss my baby. I was at home chilling in the living room smoking and thinking, i called up Chris to come through, it rung 3 times then finally he answered. I said " wassup nigga" he said "aye wassup bro, i been chilling lately with rihanna crazy ass" i laughted he always with that girl. I finally spoke " aye man you heard or seen Nya i still didnt hear from her and im worried man" he signed then said " naw bro rihanna been looking for her too even her moms but no hearing" i signed while i rubbed my hands in my face chris said " bro we gone find her no worries, just keep calling her and stuff" i said " ight man ill holla at you later nigga" he said "yup" i hunged up. Man this shit is crazy dude, what if something happened to her... "Im finna look threw this house for any clues" i said to myself i got up and start searching everywhere. I mean the closets, bathrooms, kitchen, living room, the basement, and last place bedroom but i found a nigga number and letter it was some nigga handwriting it says...
Yeah nigga, you may not know who i am but you will know that i have Nya and shes mines. She dont love you nigga, i took everything her... Watch out blood oh and if you looking for her meet me at 2543 stadium st @7. That big ass warehouse, dont try anything! See you soon nigga!

I instantly got pissed and went to my dresser and grabbed my gun out. Who tf is this nigga? And Why do he have Nya? Wait wtf How did this nigga know where i live? Oh yeah im finna shut shit down.. I quickly called up Chris and Rihanna even Karen. I let them know and me and chris met up and went to handle some business.. Im getting my baby back regladless.
We walked in and it was dark but one lightbulb was on and i seen Nya looking fucked up, i mean like this nigga been punching on her and everything she was bleeding still and i seen cuts, i got extremely mad. I yelled "Nigga wya im here" some nigga in all black walked out thereout the darkness. Me and chris stood there , we gotta plan no worries.. Me and the stranger was looking at eachother mean mugging i finally spoken up "look nigga wtf you want? " catching a attitude he said giggling " aye nigga you can stop being disrespectful , i dont think my girl should be hearing that" then he winked at Nya making me more upset. I wanna kill this nigga, he really trying me and im not playing with his ass. Thinking Nya his naw nigga thats all me. I walked up to him and he grabbed his gun out until chris shot his ass straight in the chest where his heart at 3x just in case I looked at him and he seem familiar oh shit thats Nya ex boyfriend Damien but i didnt give a fuck on the other hand he shouldnt did that shit... I grabbed Nya and rushed out to the hospital. Me and chris helped Nya get into the hospital and we had to wait out in waiting room so i called up Karen and Chris called Rihanna. Everybody got there and we was still waiting until a doctor came 20 mins... He said " is this Nya Andrews family? " i said while geting up making everyone else get up "yeah" doctor said "Nya is doing well she has been treated, she can leave today but i need someone to sign her out but if you want to see her, shes in room 254 thank you" then he walked away , Karen did it and we went to see her ... Everybody spent they time with her but i tooked her home. She still was a little sore. I feel so bad i shouldve knew man... I put my hands in my face and started crying, she said looking sad and worried " baby whats wrong? " i said " i shouldve knew man this wouldnt happened if i didnt- " she cut me off and said " baby its not your fault its damiens he did this, stop calling come here now Daryl" she patted the bed and i listened and layed next to her holding her... 15 mins later we doze off. I love my wifey Nya. I cant loose her never.

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