At Home

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Nya P.O.V
I finally got home, seen Chris and Daryl sitting in the living room smoking and talking. I walked in there. I talked to chris then he left. I rolled my eyes at Daryl and went to the back, he started to follow me. He said grabbing my wrist "Nya.. lets talk" i said moving his hands " theres nothing to talk about Daryl" he shooked his head and said "baby i know you upset that i was there and i had other bitches on me im sorry i was drunk" i turned around and started yelling at him " so you think its cool for you to just go out anytime without letting me know?" i stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, im so angry i wanna scream. he stood there and said "im sorry Nya" i said "whatever" i went to go take an shower. he went to the kitchen, and came into the room. i put on some Betty Boo booty shorts and a matching tank top with some socks on, i put my hair into a messed up bun and went to the kitchen to cook. Daryl was in the room watching ESPN. after when i got done eating i cleaned up and went to bed. He said "baby" i ignored him pretending i was sleep. he snuggled with me in bed and we doze off to sleep.

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