Nya P.O.V

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once i came home from my first time seeing Daniel & India gravestone i was heartbroken. i wanted to cry right in the car with Daryl. i miss India so much she was my best friend since forever. Daryl and I gotten into another argument earlier. I cant stand him sometimes but with everything in me i love that boy and i cant let him go. I knew he was jealous when i was talking to Orlando, he hate when i talk to other niggas on the phone around him. He ain't my father, i can do anything i want. I was in the living room watching TV on the couch, Daryl didn't want to leave me here alone so he stayed. He was on his phone scrolling through Twitter sitting right next to me. I looked at him and said " Daryl you can go home, I'm fine being here all by myself" He chuckled and rolled his eyes continuing scrolling on his phone. I smacked my lips and got up from the couch He grabbed my leg and pulled me back down. I looked at him and said " stop Daryl i want to go upstairs". He looked at me and said " You really want me to go? I'm tired of your attitude Naya. I ain't do shit to you i just wanted to chill shit but ill leave." I rolled my eyes. He doing too much. I said turning the TV off " Do you I'm going upstairs". He said getting up and walking towards the door " Hit me up when you lose that attitude shorty" . I shook my head and walk him to his car. He said as he gotten into his car " You done or?" I said signing and looking at him through the window as it was rolled down " Daryl i don't have an attitude you just irking my nerves right now. But I'm finna go to bed so" He said "Alright i just wanted to spend the night with you and you being an brat" I said "Come on then I'm getting cold" as i waited for him. He got out the car then locked it he followed me inside the house and locked the front door. My mom wasn't here, she decided to stay an night with her boyfriend Tyrone. I'm still a bit upset that she didn't tell me i had an sister. I went to my room and Daryl followed. We turned the lights off and shut the door and locked it. I took my clothes off besides my panties and bra I slid on some black and white shorts and a white shirt. I put my hair into an messy bun then gotten into bed and laid down. Daryl just slid off his sweats and kept on his basketball shorts he had on under his sweats. He took his shirt off and got in the bed. He pulled the covers over us and cuddled under me. I smiled and felled asleep. He kissed my neck and reached his hands down in my shorts and panties until i said " No not tonight. I'm tired Daryl." He don't listen he continued to go into my panties and started fingering me. I moaned " s-stop dar-daryl mmm" i gave in cause that shit was feeling good. He took all my shit off and all his off then We you know what after that then felled asleep. I love Daryl so much man.

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