Daryl P.O.V

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I was trying to get Nya attention but as soon as i seen that she got hit by an truck ! i ran over there, mad , sad , angry , while so much tears coming down! this shit is crazy man, i called 911 and instantly got the police there.. then i called Chris , Rihanna, Her Mom, Paris and Tyrone. every one met up at the hospital, i was pissed off! I seen Chris walking in yelling " Wheres Nya? Man shit dawg!" as tears coming down everyone eyes.. Surprisedly even Paris crying! i held her, i know we argue so much and stuff but i love this girl too, this is my babies mother we are talking about! Shes my everything but i wouldnt never try to get back with her, I mean i love Paris but i dont want her like that anymore i know who i want and i want Nya. Thats my future , my real so to be wife. I want kids with her. But this whole thing that happened to her is my fault if i wasnt out her being an stuckup stubborn ass thot fucking bitches then this wouldn't happen but i never knew Paris was Nya sister.. shit it still hurts and pisses me off even more when i think about it.
10 mins later ..
The doctor came out asking for Nya's family? We all stood up worried i said "yes thats us" He said " I believe Nya is unconscious , about 5 mins after the accident she was in im sorry to say but she was close to dying.. " Everybody besides me and Chris started to cry. I punched the wall harder and harder yelling " FUCK MAN!" Chris tried to calm me down , then he ask the doctor " so you telling us shes dead now or what tf is you saying man" Getting upset. I paced back and forth angry asf! This all my fault man shit. I begin to cry! Paris grabbed me and hold me! The doctor said " Shes in surgery right now, im sorry we are trying our hardest to do everything that we can." then he walked away. I falled to the ground and cried, I love Nya so much man... I didnt want to end it this way.
30 mins later..
Me, Rihanna, Chris And Paris was still there waiting. Karen and Tyrone went home, waiting for the call to see if shes fine.. I feel so terrible. I looked at Paris who was extremely quiet, didnt move or nothing. I understand though its her sister shes worrying about but im worrying about my child so i ask " Paris" she looked at me still not saying anything i said " talk to me your scaring me" she signed and not said anything then she finally spoking up " I just want my sister to be okay! i didnt know that this was going to happen , i wish-" she busted out crying. I said " its okay paris she will be fine, i wish this didnt happen neither" i gave her an kiss. I looked at Rhianna who was staring at Chris but looking sad and quiet. I then looked at Chris who was worried and still upset. I begin to laugh, he said " whats funny nigga" i said " its crazy cus you and rihanna right here and yall not talking or even hugged up?" he looked at me like an idgaf look and said " man i dont got shit to say to her, i didnt come for her i came for my nigga Nya." i looked at Rihanna who was finna get up, and she did then she said " nah i dont care anymore.. Daryl call me when they tell you whats going on bye" Chris chuckled then said " yup bye! " Paris said " bye rihanna see you!" i said " alright then shorty i will." she left. I said " yall some idks " he said " idc im into London which means i gotta check up on her" He got up and start walking around otp with London. I looked at Paris and she was asleep in my arms. I Kissed her forehead wait.
I hope Nya is okay!

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