Nyas Missing

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4 weeks later..
Nyas Missing...

Riri P.O.V
Me and chris been arguing almost everyday. I been keeping my distances from him, he just too much. Today im going to hang with Nya we're going to see India gravestone. We got some words to say! I miss my girl so much, i begin to take an shower. i got out and put on some blue jean pants , a red crop top with a customized hoodie of Me, Nya and India. we all got one, Nya wearing hers too.. and my red chucks . i put my hair into a high ponytail. I grab the my keys and my phone and seen Chris sitting in the living room banging music and smoking, He said before i walked out "Where you going?" I ignored him. He got up and grab my arm then said "I know yo ass hear me Rihanna" I stood there and looked a different way, he grabbed my face and made me look his way. I said yelling and moving his hand "Dont touch me" He walked away and I quickly left . He is tripping man wtf ! I headed to Nya crib, about 20 mins i got there i got out and knocked on the door.. Karen answered it. I said " Nya here? We suppose to be going to see India gravestone" She said looking concerned and worried " I havent seen or heard from her, Im worried about her.. I been calling her and Texting her she never called me back or even respond But no, she not here actually she havent been here every since India died" she look like she was about to cry. I hugged her, no mother shouldnt have to worry where her daughter might be.. i feel very bad for Karen , Nya need to come see her ASAP! and it will be today as soon as i find her. I lefted.

Karen V.O.P
I dont know where my daughter may be. Im so worried I had to quit my job and everything. After talking to Rhianna for a while, I called Nya once again ... It rung for about 3 times and she answered I jumped up praising the lord, thank you jesus my baby is alive and safe. I asked her " Baby where are you, Im worried" She said upset "Im fine" If this girl wont answer my question, I said "Come see me we gotta talk love" She hunged up. Whats her problem? Why is she acting like this? Lordddd... I laid in bed and read the bible and prayed .

Damien P.O.V
Yeah i got her ass, I told her i will get her soon. She know i love her, We at MY house. I walked over towards her and tied her up, beat her and cut her. She was screaming I said " Shut the fuck up" She said " Why are you doing this Damien?" I laughed and respond "Because your mines and i run you so since you wanna cheat and make me look stupid i might just kill you" She looked down and then started busting out crying, I didnt care... Shouldve listened she so hard headed. I said "Nya i said shut up" I begin to kiss her on the neck pulling her clothes off. She looked frighten but like i said i dont fucking care, i was the one that took her virginity so... she need to stop trying to a all brand new! She said " Please dont" I said smirking " Baby you love me , why not? " She said " I dont love you Damien, You hurt me and You trying to fucking rape me and kill me" I smacked her hard as hell. She winced. I laughed she begin to cry I said having a fake whining face "Crybaby ass stfu for i kill you" I begin to fuck her she screams and cries I was fucking her harder and harder. She tried to get me off of her I punch her in the face 2x . She was just laying there. I continue...

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