Paris P.O.V

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"Mama" I opened my eyes to see my beautiful baby girl face, she wanted to sleep with me. I grabbed her and said "Yes baby." She lays her head on my stomach and started kicking on the bed. I started tickling her while she's cracking up laughing,"what to do today? I might take you to see daddy." She shook her head 'yes' and I kissed her forehead. She is just so much like me when I was young mixed with her daddy. I got up out of the bed and went to the bathroom to make a warm temperature bath. I semi-yelled "Alanna come here, i'm in the bathroom" I waited until she came and took her clothes off than put her into the tub. I said "I'll be back.. I'm about to go grab your clothes" I added toys into the tub and walked out. I grabbed some clothes and went back inside than washed her up and rinsed she got out. I let that drain out so I can hop in the shower and get dressed. I put her clothes on, did her hair and made her something to eat like oatmeal and some apple juice. I took an shower while she was eating and watching her favorite show on tv called Doc Mcstuffins. I got out after washing up and raised off. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put my clothes on, and did my hair, I went and grabbed her, brushed her teeth and we dipped out. Once I got to Daryl house, she got so excited. I called him and let him know we was outside. He came and grabbed her we all walked back into the house together. I pretty much was over there almost all day chilling with him while he spend time with his daughter.

Nya P.O.V
I was visiting my best friend graves just chatting it up with them. I think about them both each and every single day. We was like glue stick, unbreakable. I always will love, miss and think about them. I told them about my aint shit ass baby daddy, my sister and her daughter, my boyfriend, my mom and everything else. I didn't bring Jaliyah because she doesn't need to know about this stuff until the appropriate time. I kissed my two fingers and landed it on the both of their stones. I got up and left. I was heading back home when Daryl called me. I rolled my eyes and answered it onto the car so basically he's speaking on my car speakers.
"Yo.. When can I come see my daughter Nya? You know I miss her, I got Alanna over here so she can be around her sister." Daryl said sounding pretty hurt. "You want to see her but not keep her? You just showing favoritism and so with that being said she's doing fine where she's at. Call me when you want to spend actual time with my daughter." I said not caring. I hung the phone up.
I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. I grabbed the mail and went into the house. I went to the kitchen and put the mail on the table. I walked into the room and saw Jaliyah messing with things. I told her,"Stop touching stuff mamas. Go in your room and play in there." She ran into her room and shut her door. I swear she grew up so much. My baby is so smart, I sometimes still be catching myself treating her like a little baby again. I miss when she was little. She look so much like me but got a little of her daddy attitude and features. I changed my clothes into something more comfortable, and got into my bed and laid down. I turned the television on Netflix and found something to watch. I had went to the store while I was out so I grabbed snacks and shit. I was basically relaxing until I make dinner. Jaliyah came back into my room and started crying. I looked at her and said "what's wrong mamas?" She crawl in the bed and laid on my chest. I said "What is it? You want me?" She nod her head rubbing her eyes and yawned. I said "You sleepy. Lay next to me and go to sleep." She did as told and couple minutes later I felled asleep. I woke up to Alex kissing my forehead. He brought some dinner so I didn't had to cook. I ate and woke Jaliyah up so she can eat. She ate and I put her in front of me and we laid down while Alex was holding me and felled asleep.
London P.O.V
"Daddy" I moaned as he was pounding my pussy so fast. He started smacking my ass while I help him, he started groaning my name while I rode him. I yelled as I was moaning still,"Ooouu baby, this feels so good" He smirked and started slowing down which mean he's about to cum soon. We both came and I laid down as he was walking to the bathroom turning the shower on. I got up and walked in there getting in and he hopped in. We did some more rounds in there and washed up. We got out, brushed our teeth's and got comfortable in our underwear's and got into the bed. Chris sat on the bed and started rolling up. I just laid there on my phone. I put my phone down and started looking at him just staring away.. I was in my thoughts. this boy is my baby father, my whole world, I hate how he treats me sometimes but I love him dearly. Ain't no men can't have this other than his ass. I hate that he be acting like Trayvon isn't his, but be acting and doing shit for him. I love that but sometimes I break down and cry. His family don't claim my child because they think it's not his. I went to court and gotta go back again. This is driving me insane. I'm so glad I got my family who's supporting me ten toes. I've been through some shit with this boy.. break ups, me doing pull ups on him at places and we fighting LITERALLY, him cheating on me too many times, we fuss and fight a lot! I just can't see myself without him so I put up with whatever it is. It's hard doing this all by yourself but i'm maintaining it for my son. I love him and his dick. I ain't lying. "You trying to hit this?" I shook my head while reaching and grabbing it. We smoked and chilled. My mom got Trayvon so it's pretty much just me and my baby daddy here. We ordered food and ate than felled out.

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