Karen P.O.V

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15 mins later..
We got to the place, it was fancy the place was beautiful. He got out and opened my door then grabbed my hand i got out and said smiling still looking around "thank you" Tyrone said " your welcome, you look very beautiful Karen". we walked to the entrances and i extremely got happy, nooo he didnt! John Legend was here singing All Of Me with an table full of food and roses, and wine. i loved it, i said as Tyrone pulled my chair out for me " this is so beautiful i love it Tyrone, thank you so much for this" he said smiling sitting down in his seat "your welcome beautiful i thought you will love this.." i blushed then said " how did yo-" he said before i even finish speaking " shhh .. i know everyone loves John Legend an so i did some stuff and boom he's here, but sweetheart?" i looked at him and responded " yes?" he said " i was wondering if you have any kids or an man in your life wait im sorry for asking, i just really like you" i looked at him confused but trying not to show him confusion then said " um actually... its okay i do have children 2 of them one name Nya and the other name is Paris" he said " well when can i meet them?" i said " soon actually today" he smiled then said " yes that will be wonderful um excuse me i have to go to the restroom im sorry" while he was getting up and walking away. I texted Nya.
Me : hey Nya i was wondering if you can stop by my house to meet Tyrone. He's ready to meet you! Im having an great time Love you Xoxo .
Nya: Hey mom, hows the date? of course i will see you soon and i love you too.
I texted Paris next..
Me: Hey baby. How is everything I miss you, i got soo much to tell you!
Minutes later i recieved an text back from Paris. I smiled.
Paris : hey mom. i been doing fine, Chicago is sooo much! im ready to leave dad said hes thinking about it, wyd though mom? I miss you too.
Me: 😊 good, im at an date but i was wondering if you can come to my house to meet someone. He wants to meet you today, wait are you down here? Wyd?
Paris: mom 😂 your on an date with? and how did yall meet? and yes im here, at the doctors..
Me: why you at the doctors for? i thought you were starting college? lol imma tell you once you come over Love.
Paris: mommmm 😂😩 okay fine! and im enrolling in for the fall, but um im pregnant mom.
Me: wait what? and you didnt tell me? why paris?
Paris: mom chill.. its been hard ever since Kennedy died...
Me: yeah im sorry honey! well congrats its by Brian or..
Paris: no eww , by the same person i always been with.. Daryl mom.
Once i read that i got the chills, thats the dude Nya is in love with and now i just found out Paris is pregnant again by him. I need to tell them the truth today.. I really hope this goes well.. I looked at my phone and respond to her while Tyrone was coming back, geesh he was taking forever.
Me: Oh okay! I love you talk to you when you get there.
Paris: k mom love you too and see ya. 😘
I looked at Tyrone semi-smiling, he noticed i wasn't happy anymore we left and was headed to my place. I mean i had fun but i bet this is really finna be an bad thing to do, the two of my girls are coming to my house to meet Tyrone and they don't even know that they're sisters. Oh noo!

Any concerns, Comments, Questions?

Since yall confused heres so information.. Paris is Karen Biological daughter that lives with her father in Chicago, she didnt really see her mom half of her life because of her father.
Nya is Karens Foster daughter, she took over her when Nya parents, sister and also her brother passed away.. She doesnt know that she had an sister the whole time. Karen has been keeping it an secret!

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