Paris P.O.V

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I been actually waiting on Daryl to come back so he can watch Alanna as I look for apartments back in Chicago. I been up here for too long, and my dad wants to see Alanna. I was just now getting out of the shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with some face cleaner soap i bought online a couple days ago. It actually works, and it's slowly making my face clear. I been thinking about my father lately he's been down in Chicago all alone, and he's been working and stuff but the only thing is he has a sick problem. He has a bad heart problem and I been worrying. I walked towards my dresser and grabbed me a matching bra and panties set then looked in my closet and grabbed some grey sweats and a white nike shirt. I lotion up and put deodorant on, and put on my clothes. I grabbed some white socks and I went back in the bathroom. My hair was wet and curly so I grabbed my blow dryer. I blowed dried my hair and I have a lot of hair so it was everywhere. I brushed it and combed it out and left it down. My phone started to ring so I went to grab it and looked at the screen.. Kobe Calling. He's my ex boyfriend who i was dating in Chicago. He been blowing my phone up because he knows I been had Alanna. He thinks it's his child. I been took a dna test, and so has Daryl it came back positive. He just want me back. I answered it..
Me: hello..
Kobe: wassup..
Me: nothing much just got out of the shower, and now i'm chilling.
Kobe: where you at? we gotta talk.
Me: ok but i'm not in Chicago.
Kobe: when you left?
Me: a month or so.
Kobe: how's my daughter? i wanna see her.
Me: she's not your daughter.
Kobe: quit denying me being her father. i'm her father and you know that. it's not that nigga you with.
Me: like i said Kobe she's not yours. what you want anyways?
Kobe: man you trippin... alright let me know when you come back down here?
Me: whatever kobe.
We hung up and I rolled my eyes. He knows that Alanna isn't his. I gotta tell Daryl about this shit. I called Daryl sitting on the end of the bed.
Daryl: yo wassup..
Me: where you at? Alanna needs to be watched and i'm trying hurry up before it closes.
Daryl: i'm with Nya and alright here i come.
Me: tell her i said hey sister and i gotta tell you something *laughs*
Daryl: wassup what's the word? and she said hey and can she get Alanna.
Me: So when i was in chicago i had this nigga name Kobe. He thinks Alanna is his child, and he been driving me crazy with this girl. Tell her yeah she can
Daryl: that nigga stupid.
Me: been knew that.
Daryl: you fucked him tho so maybe it is.
Me: *look at the phone then rolled my eyes* don't even start. we both know that Alanna is yours. I fucking hate when you always trying assume something when we both know we had proof.
Daryl: yea ight Paris. I'm heading there now.
Me: alright.
We hung up after that. I went downstairs to check on Alanna in her bouncy chair. I picked her up and went to go get a diaper and some wipes. I changed her then went back to the living room. Daryl finally arrived about 20 mins later, and He walked in the crib. I handed him Alanna then kissed her on the cheek and said "I love you tooka" She smiled and was playing with Daryl chain. I looked at him and said "Thanks for coming. I'll be right back." He said as he was looking at Alanna playing with her while he sat on the couch "What you thanking me for? I'm suppose to be doing this. She's my daughter wtf." I said "I'll be in chicago looking for apartments down there. Staying with my dad to make sure he's okay. You can take her to my sister Nya" He shook his head and waved me off. I left and got into the car, and put my things that i need on the passenger seat. I put my seat belt on and played my music on my phone then drove off and onto the express way. This is about to be a long day.

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