Nya P.O.V

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I had to get up super early because Alanna was crying. I put her in the bed with me and turned the TV on so she wouldn't be scared. Her mom Paris is in Chicago right now and she will be there for an week or so. I changed her diaper and I went downstairs to make her another bottle. I walked back upstairs and went into my room shutting it. I picked her up as I sat down on the bed and started feeding her. After that, I had burp her and rocked her back to sleep. She's only 4 months so shes still an little baby. I laid her down and turned the lights off and felled asleep.

Paris P.O.V

I am finally off the highway. I went straight to my dads house and now im relaxing on the couch. My dad was so happy when he seen me, He was smiling extra hard and stuff. He asked about Alanna as usual and I told him my sister Nya has her. I'll let him meet her for the first time maybe when I come back down here. I am just here to make sure he's straight. He looks like he been doing good with his place, job and allat. He said he has an check up appointment tomorrow morning so I'll take him there for that. My dad is currently sleep in his room and I am glad my dad still has my room set up. I went in there and laid down. I was going to facetime my sister to check up on Alanna but she might be sleep right now. So I felled asleep once I was done eating this food I just ordered.

Daryl P.O.V

I was sleeping at Paris house I should've spend an night at Nya house but I ended up here somehow. I had an long ass day with Alanna I took her around town and stuff had an daughter and daddy bond. I enjoyed it then I dropped her off at Nya crib. I miss Nya her pregnant ass always being an emotional bipolar brat. I'll go over there tomorrow. Im about to go back to sleep.

Karen P.O.V

I haven't been hearing from neither of my kids Paris or Nya. I heard from Daryl though he told me that Paris were going back to Chicago for an week just to check up on her dad. I haven't seen or talked to that man in so many years, I wonder how he is doing. I should call Paris but I know she's sleep right now. Now I know Nya watching Alanna because she love her niece so much, I barely get her because I know Nya would be getting or would have her.. Nya is pregnant and she's only 6 month now. I will check up on my babies tomorrow. I should stop by so I can see how she's doing. I miss my little beautiful girls. I've been doing good as usual, me and Tyrone still seeing each other we are in a relationship and he has been treating me very wonderful. I should be sleep right now so see ya later..

Chris P.O.V

I been doing my thang in these streets, fucking bitches and getting this money ya dig? I got an bitch at home but we ain't been on good terms every since I got the bitch pregnant. I aint leaving her ass though because I have an child but im not taken either. She's just an baby mama aint shit else. I don't even want to deal with her ass I just want my baby and im gone bounce with my child. I'll take care of my child by myself, she don't know what she's having but I never comes to her appointments with her because this girl be doing the fucking most. I've been missing Rihanna a lot lately. I really regret saying that shit to her man. I'll see her whenever it's my time.

Next Morning | Paris P.O.V

I was sleep so much like an baby I heard noises in the house as in someone else voice. I woke up and got up then walked to the door just to peek out of it. It sounded like an female voice, she must be white. I walked out of my room and went in my dad room, he wasn't in there so I went downstairs. He was in the living room with an nurse. I said "goodmorning dad" He smiles and says "goodmorning babygirl, this is my nurse and this is my daughter" We looked at each other and said "Hello I'm Amber" I said "Hi Amber i'm Paris, are you the appointment he has to see today or?" I was confused. Amber says "Yes ma'am He told me he didn't have an way there so sometimes I come to him" I looked at him and he was looking at me as Amber was finishing him up. I could've took him to his appointment but I guess he knows what he's doing so I went to the kitchen and I cleaned up for him. After cleaning up the whole entire house I went to my room and I facetimed my sister..

Me: hey sister
Nya: heyyyy what's up?
Me: you've been doing alright with Alanna right?
Nya: of course she's right here up playing with an toy.
Me: lemme see her
she puts her on the phone.
Me: hi mommy princess. I miss you so much.
Alanna: *just smiling*
Me: I'll be home before you know it, has daddy came to see you?
Alanna: *looking at the phone giggling*
Nya: no not yet he's suppose to be coming over I guess.
Me: oh alright well how you been feeling? you pregnant so i'm just checking on you..
Nya: i'm doing pretty well, I been feeling so sick lately but i'm alright. I really can't wait for my baby to come, she's gonna be as spoiled as Alanna.
Me: *laughs* hell yeah I believe she's gonna be way more spoiled than her but you can say that. i'll be back before y'all know it.
Nya: yeah i know that, lemme go tho.. i gotta clean this house..
Me: alright tell Alanna I said I love her and give her an kiss for mommy.
We got off the phone then my mom called me. I answered it..
Me: hey mom
Karen: hey paris how are you? i been worried about you and Nya.
Me: i'm good as always, Nya is fine mom. stop worrying yourself.
Karen: I didn't hear from you guys so I was worried but you right. I heard you're in Chicago, hows your dad? how's everything going?
Me: yeah i'm here and he's doing pretty fine to me but that doesn't mean for me to leave just yet. I'm just making sure he's fine. how's everything going with you?
Karen: i'm doing good, i'm still messing with Tyrone. He's still treating me like an Queen. I just been missing my daughters. y'all need to come over here and have dinner with us one day.
Me: have you talked to Nya about that? i'm completely fine with that, Alanna can go with her grandma on her dad side while i'm over there.
Karen: noooo let her come with you. I haven't had to keep her yet. Nya always have her even though that's so cute of her being an aunt.
Me: yeah well she can come with me, when do you wanna do this?
Karen: i haven't talked or seen Nya yet but i was planning to stop by today. I want to have it on the four of july. Do some fireworks and stuff.
Me: well I mean that's completely fine with me. Alanna gonna be acting a fool because she's gonna her scared, Daryl tagging alone with us.
Karen: yeah he can come too, do y'all date again or does it feel strange you and Nya pregnant or had an baby by Daryl.
Me: always been finding that completely weird but i've gotten over it. He's just around me for Alanna that's it. I don't date him, he be with me for her, Nya probably gets mad because he's with me but she's pregnant by him now and they're dating. I don't know but I just know we don't got nothing going on he's just around for Alanna.
Karen: i heard you and that's completely fine with him being around just for y'all daughter. Nya just having pregnancy emotions she's fine. I'm about to go though and check up on her.
Me: Alright goodbye.
Karen: I love you Paris and see you later.
Me: *blows kisses then hangs up*
I be having such an long ass conversation with my mom. I'm still shocked how my sister pregnant by Daryl. I got up and looked through my clothes. I guess I'll do something today, I found some light jeans with deep cut in the knees part, a pink zipped up jacket and some white slides. I had my hair in middle part down curly style. I was planning to look a little natural today, even though I got my lashes done. I grabbed my wallet phone and keys and left down the stairs. I seen my dad watching tv in the living room, I said "I'm about to step out and go do things.. I'll see you later dad love you" He looked at me and said "I love you more Paris, go ahead and enjoy yourself." I left the house and walked towards my car and then I seen Kobe walking down the street. I looked at him and hurried up and got in the car. He yelled "AYE PARIS THATS YOU?" I said to myself "DAMMIT" He ran up to the car and I rolled my passenger window down. He said licking his lips "where you going? I thought you said you'll let me know when you here" I said "I just got here yesterday" He said "Aw well where's my baby?" I said rolling my eyes "she's not your daughter and she's back at home with her real daddy and auntie. What you want though I got things to do." He said smirking "well I wanna hang with you" I said "sorry I can't do that" He said "common man.. you always on bullshit Paris" I said "I'm fine thank you" He stood up and I drove off. Annoying ass.

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