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Nya P.O.V

i woke up in Daryl arms, i look at him he was sleeping so peacefully. i smiled he is so sexy. im so lucky i have him. i got up trying not to wake him, went into the shower and go out he was still sleep. i put on some blue jean shorts, light pink crop top and creamy sandal then i put my hair an a top messy bun, i did my hygiene and add a little make up on with jewelry. I went downstairs to make some breakfast, rihanna was calling me i then answered it..
Me : "hello"
Rihanna : "hey bestfrienndddd , we should hang today. I been with chris too much its an girl night today"
Me : *laughs* "okay rih we can, what time ? "
Rihanna : " 6pm see ya later bitchhh"
Me : *rolls eyes* " bye "
we hunged up i felt Daryl looking at me, so i start laughing he said " whats funny" i said " you staring at my ass again " he cant resist it.. he smiled and came behind me while i was making the food , he said " yeah i was, you got them cakes babygirl " then he grabbed my ass. i said " stooopppp daryl " laughing. we ate, talked and laughed. i said between laughs " baby im going out today " he said "with who" i said "my friend" he looked the other way.. he said " oh whatever have fun" i said looking confused " what is the problem now Daryl " he said " nothing Nya" i got up and grabbed his car keys. he grabbed my wrist and said " where tf you going with my keys " i said semi- yelling " with my friends " he grab them out my hands and said " nah ill drive you " i said with an attitude " wtf Daryl i know how to drive " he said " never asked you that , i said i will drive you now loose the attitude. " he treats me like an fucking kid man i knew this was an bad idea from the start. i sat on the couch playing with my phone until somebody text me..
I was staring at the text until Daryl came into the living room. He had on some cami- shorts , levi black shirt and a gold chain , with some jordans and a gold watch. i said looking at him " you ready ? " he said " yeah lets go " we got into the car the car ride was silent because we was listening to his songs like " Wiz Khalifa ft. Travis Scott - Bake Sale " then we got to her house i got out , he said " bye baby " I said walking away from his car " bye ".
he pulled off i knocked on the door , chris answer it.

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