India P.O.V

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Wassup lol i know i know im dead, but it still doesnt mean im not in the book. Imma speak every so offened but as im in the heaven i see alot of shit going on without me there. I visited everyone but they look fine besides Nya i seen she was gone them 4 weeks because Damien. Shit crazy i wouldve beat his ass, i wonder what Rihanna do? That bitch always trying fight but i mean thats our bestfriend well more like sister Nya will always get help from us. But since im dead i been spying on alot of people Chris and Rihanna been okay they been arguing every so offened but they seem cute and good as usual, Karen she seem depressed i need to visit her soon
Every since Nya was kidnapped by Damien. But Nya and Daryl oh... My... Godddd they is so cute, i love them i love they relationship but they been good every since that day Daryl still feels bad but he been over protective lately with Nya.. I miss everyone. I need to visit them once again and this time they will see me maybe...

Damien P.O. V
Man shit im dead, oh im coming but this isnt over... NYA ANDREWS always mines! that Daryl nigga dead when i get to his ass.

Daniel P.O. V
Finally... Shit! I been waiting forever to speak but thats fuck up how India killed herself because of me, i still wish she wasnt dead or neither my ass. I knew something was finna happen that night too but i been watching everyone Damien crazy ass always doing something his dumb ass. She dont want you nigga but aye sometimes you gotta learn the hard way. But shit hecked asf right now, im going to visit them soon with India we will or might not show ourselves...

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