Introduce Bestfriend #2

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My name is Rihanna or RiRi, I am 17 years old. I am 5'1 and I was born and raised in California. I am a junior at Central High Academy this year. I am best friends with Nya and I just became best friends with India. We met through Nya and we didn't liked each other at first but we got over it. I am the friend who don't take no shit. I grew up having to be so tough and a bad ass because I had went through the worst in my life. My dad was in and out of my life, I was getting touched on him. He allowed his friends to rape me when I was 6 years old, and my mother acted like she didn't knew that whole time. I was scarred for the rest of my life- I blamed my mother until she passed away from committing suicide. She couldn't handle being a mother or what my dad was putting us through. He put his hands on the both of us. He was a alcoholic, so every time he had a drink or 5 he'll just hurt us. I had to take care of myself for a couple weeks until my aunt came and took me in. She treated me like I was her own daughter. I still to this day stay with her. I met Chris which is my boyfriend, outside of my school walking home. He wanted to talk to me, he was out of school. Chris was a light skin buff dude. He had dreadlocks in his head and it was black. He was tatted up everywhere, he's 6'1 and he's 20 years old. He had a lot of money so I assume he's a drug dealer. We been together for a couple years now. He put me through some stuff but I was dumb over this boy. Nya always been my best friend though. She's a big part of my life and it's going to stay that way.

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