"Daryl Crib"

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We got to Daryl house. I got out the car and let him lead the way. We got inside and i took my jordans off and started walking around looking at stuff. He walked towards me and hugged me from behind again. I love when he does that, then he started kissing my neck. He ask "do this feel good ma? Or you want me to stop" I was breathing fast but then slow because it was my turn on spot, man that feels so good! I said "it feels good Daryl" he said " okay shorty lets go.. " so i followed him. As soon as we got upstairs in his room we started to kiss and take off clothes and stuff. He gently pick me up and lay me on the bed softly.. I layed there, and let him control my body. He begin to kiss me going down, i swear i didn't want this to happen but i couldn't stop him. I started to have feelings for him, I begin to moan and moan softly then he slide in me. It hurt at first so i started to gasp and breathe hard. I pushed him away then we made eye contact and he said "you ight ma, im sorry if im hurting you." I replied "continue" then he started to stroke and it started to feel good. I was moaning his name and gasping then i arched my back, and was screaming his name.. scratching his back letting him know he is hitting the spot. I was pulling the covers and we stopped, he begin to cum in me. It felt amazing especially from him. I am falling for him I am addicted to his love...

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