3 Gearing Up!

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In the airport parking lot.

“Hey guys, pick a car you like.” I said

“Hey, I like that!” Pamela said pointing at a shiny blue Chevrolet Avalanche.

“Wow, we can ram that thing over several zombies!” Mark said.

“Who would somebody leave such a beauty here?!” Nero said.

“You’re not going to steal that, are you?” Merlin asked nervously.

I picked the lock on the driver’s side door with my other pocket knife and smiled at Merlin.

“There’s no more law to obey during a zombie apocalypse. But if you don’t feel like riding a stolen car, you’re welcome to die here alone.” I said as I started hotwiring the engine.

The others got in and Merlin stood there hesitant.

“You coming or not?” Pamela asked when the engine started.

Merlin shook his head in disappointed and got in.

“Where the heck did you learn to hotwire a car?” he asked.

“Are you seriously asking an Electronics Engineering student that question?” I lied.

“Hey! I’m an ECE student too!” Merlin complained.

“And MAPUA obviously hasn’t taught you how to do it.”

“Why would DLSU teach you guys how to hotwire a car?” he asked.

“Beats me.” I shrugged.

But the whole truth is that I learned to hotwire a car from a Hephaestus kid named Jose. We were sent to a quest together a few years ago. While we were being chased by several monsters, he hotwired a car parked nearby in just 30 seconds. When we got away, I asked him to teach me. The skill might come in handy in the future.

“So, where do you want to go?” I asked them as we got to the main road away from the pile up we came upon earlier.

“Let’s go back and check on the others.” Mark suggested.

“Family first?” Merlin said.

“How about we check on our family, see if they’re okay then we can check up on the others we left behind.” Pamela said.

“Whoever’s close comes first.” Nero said.

Before going back home, I stopped by at a weapons shop.

“You guys stay here. If I don’t come back within 10 minutes, leave me okay?” I instructed them. “Mark, you stay here in the driver’s seat. Keep the engine running for an easy escape okay?”

As I opened the door, Pamela grabbed my arm.

“Wait, at least take me with you!” she said.

“She won’t appreciate that. Makes her think I don’t trust her.” I said.

“Who’s she?” Merlin asked.

“A friend.” I said.

I carefully walked to the shop. Conscious that I might step on any traps that Anne could have set up.

“Anne?! You there?” I called from the shop’s open door.

A large axe came swinging to my head, I quickly dodged it and grabbed on the young attacker’s arm and pointed my sword to her throat.

She looked at me for a moment, realizing that I was a friend, dropped the axe and hugged me.

“Majella! I’m so sorry! I thought you were one of those zombies!” she sobbed at my shoulder.

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