39 The God of War

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“WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!” Majella shouted when the two children of Hecate ran away from the rampaging drakon.

“TAVERLY!” Ron screamed at the drakon, trying desperately to go near it.

“RON!” Carlene screamed back, pulling her brother away.

“Taverly?” Me and Majella asked ourselves.

“Who the heck is Taverly?” Majella asked the two newcomers.

“TAVERLY!” Ron screamed again finally out of Carlene’s grip and running towards the drakon.

“Did he just--?” I asked Majella, but she’s already on the move, running after Ron.

At the corner of my eye I saw a bright red flame like a comet in the early morning sky, but I kept my focus to where it is needed the most; at Majella and Ron who are nearest the drakon.

“TAVERLY!” Ron screamed again and this time the drakon heard it.

The monster turned its humungous diamond head towards the sound of Ron’s voice and with a snap it lunged at him. Good thing Majella was fast enough and she pushed Ron away just in time.

“DAMN IT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Majella shouted at him in frustration.

“GET OFF ME!” Ron screamed back and he struggled to get Majella away from him.

“CARLENE!” Majella called out to her best friend who is just watching them.

But the daughter of Hecate just ignored Majella’s calls and began to distract the drakon away from the two. I ran to her side to help buy some time for Majellla to drag Ron away.

Unexpectedly the drakon spat fire on Carlene and me and we barely got away. I smelled singed hair and found that portion of my hair got burned off.

“RON!” I heard Majella shout in the distance and once again Ron is back on his feet and waving his hands right in front of the drakon.

The drakon lunged at the meal right in front of it and in a second, Ron was gone.

“NO!” We all shouted.

While the drakon was busy gulping down our friend, Majella attacked with several lightning. The place flashed and exploded as Majella’s anger directed into killing the monster.

“MAJELLA!” Carlene’s shrill scream pierced the air as Majella got to close at the rampaging monster.

The drakon’s tail flailed and Majella got swiped away. She flew and crashed on the trees behind us. The leaves falling down stuck on her now bloodied head.

“Oh gods, no!” I screamed, running to Majella.

There was a flash of red from the sky.

“You call yourselves rebuilders of the new world and you can’t even beat a drakon?” A man’s voice boomed at us from atop.

I shielded my eyes away from the flaming thing that just landed nearby.

“Out of my way, princess!” A man got out from a flaming red chariot that is pulled by skeletal horses with flaming orbs for eyes. He crossed the distance to the still rampaging drakon, shoving Carlene away.

The man is tall, tan and muscular. He has a red bandana over his head, shades that are shielding what seemed to be red orbs for eyes and a trimmed beard. He is simply wearing a leather vest so his hairy chest is exposed, a well fitted leather pants, buckled by a monstrous silver belt. Over-all, he reminds me of a bike gang leader and Harley-Davidson.

“Ares?” I mumbled as I struggled to straighten Majella up into a sitting position.

The god of war took out his flaming red sword and began to attack the drakon. He was unbelievably fast for his size and the way he moved was exactly like Majella’s complicated sword dance.

He struck the drakon on the head between the eyes and it crashed down to the ground with a loud thud.

“Well, that was easy.” Ares chuckled, facing us.

“Lord Ares,” Carlene bowed down.

I was about to stand up and bow down too but Majella’s hand gripped my arm and she groaned, opening her eyes a bit.

“Majella,” I said, brushing the leaves away from her face.

Majella’s right hand struggled with the pouch on her belt, the one I noticed earlier that is beside her sword.

“Wimp,” Ares chuckled again, looking at our direction.

Majella raised her right hand which now held a gun.

“Says, who?” Majella sighed and she pulled the trigger at the direction of the god.

The blast rang in my head as I stared in horror of what Majella just did. But amazingly, the drakon’s head crashed again to the ground and it disintegrated, leaving its scaly armor.

No one said anything as Majella’s head slumped over and the gun clattered to the ground.

“She actually used my gun,” Ares said, kneeling down to pick up the fallen gun. “This wimp even pointed it at me.”

“She aimed the gun at the drakon behind you,” Carlene corrected, “The one you carelessly turned your back away to.”

Ares’ brows knitted together and the blazing red orbs behind his sunglasses grew larger, giving off more heat. Instantly, I felt like I want to bash something and hurt someone.

“Yeah, right.” He grunted, “Get in.”


Ares lifted Majella by the collar and threw her into his chariot.

“Get in or I’ll leave you behind,” Ares warned.

I just nodded and got in.

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