36 First Sighting

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It’s been months since the arrival of the hunters of Artemis.  The first few weeks were filled with tension but we’ve learned to live with them without fighting. It just took some time to get used to each other’s presence.

“Hey Majella!” Jean greeted to me.


“Tired?” She asked.

“A bit,” I answered.

I just gazed at the city. Ierotheon has taken its form and I should say that I’m proud with Jean and Nicole’s design. The place looks like it’s been here longer than it is.

“What are you thinking?” Jean asked, following my gaze.

“Ierotheon’s beautiful.” I shrugged, “You did well,”

We did well.” Jean corrected with a smile.

I just nodded. The sun is beginning its daily descend and its giving a golden glow to the city.

“It’s been quite a year don’t you think?” Jean asked.

“The heck it is,” I laughed, remembering the past few months.

“War and an apocalypse,” Jean mumbled.

“And we survived through it all.” I said.

“You survived through more than just this,” Jean said, “You’ve been on quests more than half the camp.”

“Yeah well, it wasn’t really easy you know, dodging death again and again. It takes skill and luck.”

Jean laughed.

“But it’ll all end up soon,” I said, “The underworld’s waiting for me.”

“You don’t have to say that,” Jean said sadly.

“But I’ll reach Elysium don’t you think?”


“I’m just asking.” I looked away.

“With everything you’ve done? Hades should even escort you to Elysium.” Jean said with a sad smile.

Now that we’re almost done rebuilding the world I feel that the prophecy of my fall is coming closer and closer, like my lifetime’s almost to its end.  My time is slowly running out.

“I’ve been thinking.” I started, hesitating a bit.


“I want to see the Isles of Blest,” I decided.

“Seriously?” Jean asked, surprised with my wish.

“I just want the best,” I smiled. “And the Isles are the party capital of the Underworld.”

“You want to risk it?”

“Three times to the Elysium and then the Isles. We don’t know, maybe I’m on my second try now?” I mused, “It’ll be a waste if I don’t pursue it.”

“Isn’t it too much?” Jean doubted. “Why not just settle with Elysium?”

“The Isles are where the greatest heroes reside. Achilles would be there!”

Jean smiled, “Well, I can’t deny you’re one of the best.”

“How about you, Jean?” I asked, “Don’t you want to see the Isles?”

“I’d love to, but I’m scared.” Jean shrugged, “Reaching Elysium is already tough business and you want to do it three times in a row?!”

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