34 Capture the Flag

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When the crowd dispersed, I immediately called for a council meeting. A capture the flag game should be avoided, the hunters and the campers shouldn’t fight. The last time they did, a camper almost died and the whole camp was almost consumed by flames.

No more fighting.

I stomped into the bamboo house to find the council already there. I talked to May earlier to join so she was having a staring or in this case, glaring contest with En across the table.

“Okay guys, stop that.” I said to them.

En snapped away from the trance and looked at me. “She started it,”

“ME?!” May dejected.


May and En kept quiet and just looked at me, waiting for what I have to say next.

“There won’t be a Capture the Flag tonight.”  I said.

“WHAT?!” May exclaimed.

“NO!” En shouted.

“MAJELLA!” The other head councillors objected.

“Look guys, you should remember what happened the last time we had a capture the flag game with the hunters. A camper almost died and several cabins went up to flames!”

“But Majella, you should remember that whenever the huntresses visit the camp, a friendly capture the flag game is held for them.” Jimuel said.

“Except it’s not exactly friendly.” Nicole said.

“The camp is getting ready for the game tonight, you can’t just stop them.” Marielle shook her head.

“And my hunters are ready.” May added.

“The game will be held, whether you like it or not.” En said.

“Okay, fine!” I gave up, “If you haven’t learned from the last time, then so be it! But I’m going to referee tonight and I’m gathering everyone who’s not participating to join the neutrals! Jimuel, tell your siblings that I’m open for healers.”

“Sure thing,” Jimuel said with a smirk, looking at May.

“Then this meeting is done.”

Everyone stood up, I stopped Carlene before she can even run away from me again.

“Carlene!” I stopped her by the arm.

“What?!” Her eyes are furious, but even so, they are in the brink of crying.

“Carlene, I’m sorry.” I apologized, hugging her. “You know me the best; you know I would still leave even if the whole camp tried to stop me.”

Carlene hit me several times before burying her head on my shoulders, “I hate it when you’re right,”

Relieved, I let her go. “So we’re okay now?”

“I can’t really stop you can I?” Carlene smiled, wiping the tears off her face.

“No one can stop me, even you. So, let’s go? You’ll join me with the neutrals.”

“I was thinking…”

“You’re not thinking of joining them are you?”

Carlene almost joined the hunt when Artemis visited camp to invite me. I don’t know what stopped her but I’m glad she didn’t join them because we wouldn’t have been best friends if she did.

“No, of course not!” Carlene hit me on the head like she always do and I just laughed it off, “I was thinking about those mortals up in space.”

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