37 Invitation

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I wouldn’t really mind the immortals residing nearby but I really feel uncomfortable of the fact that they are now literally watching over us. With Mt. Olympus in plain sight the demigods are working harder than ever, trying to desperately show their parents that they deserve attention.

“I wonder if Aphrodite’s looking down at us,” Jean mused over her breakfast plate. “Hey, what’s with the long face?”

“She’s obviously not up to showing her dad she’s special.” Marielle said, “She doesn’t care anymore, are you?”

“Nah,” I shook my head, “I avoided a war between him and Poseidon a few years ago and he didn’t even say ‘Thank You’ or ‘I’m proud of you’ or even give me a smile. I don’t know what would make Zeus proud of me so I don’t care anymore.”

“You don’t really need anyone’s approval,” Carlene added, “You’re not here to impress everyone.”

“That’s partly true. The thing is, we’re children of the big three,” Marielle said to Carlene, “We’re always expected with great things.”

Carlene just raised an eyebrow.

“Is it necessary to get their attention?” Jean asked.

“I don’t know, maybe?” I answered.

“Well, most of us here grew up with one less parent.” Marielle said, “Of course we’d feel a bit left out, there’s the ‘what does it feels like to have a complete family?’ question.”

“You’re lucky Poseidon doesn’t forget his kds,” I mumbled.

Marielle just shrugged, “He’s just like that,”

We went straight to work after breakfast. We’re now just finishing a few more buildings, and our main concern right now has changed into creating a proper government system.

Nicole wants a democratic system similar to that of Athens where everyone in the city can vote or voice out their opinion, unlike the common democratic system where everyone of the right age will vote for a representative. May on the other hand is suggesting a communist government and is giving out hints she’d support me if I’d ever want to be prime minister.

“Just to keep the mortals on leash,” May said.

“But that’s unfair,” Nicole countered, “Everyone should have the power to speak for the city.”

“With communism there’s equality!” May said, “No one gets any special treatment, did you see the poorest sectors of the country before the solar flare? There shouldn’t be something like that anymore.”

“Guys,” I interrupted. “Can we just vote on this? I don’t really understand economics back in high school and you two are debating like your grades depended on it,”

“Majella, this is more than just that! This is the future of Ierotheon we’re talking about! We have to choose the best government system!” May said, quite surprised that I’m not giving this much thought.

“We don’t really have to choose the best government system,” I said calmly, “We just have to choose the best system for the city.”

The council smiled at my idea.

“You’re getting wiser every day,” Nicole chuckled.

“Unbelievable,” Jimuel laughed, “I thought Jean would come up with something like that. Where are you getting the wise stuff? I want some.”

“Yeah, me too!” Anthony laughed.

“I dunno if I should feel insulted with your compliments, it’s like you guys aren’t expecting I’d think of something so simple.” I scowled.

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