38 Hiking

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The next day, I woke up early to the knocking sound on my door. The sun hasn’t risen up yet and it’s still dark outside, my room is dark and clammy with the cold temperature of the morning.

“Jean, get up!” I heard Majella’s muffled voice outside.

“I’m up!” I responded back, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

“Hurry, we don’t want to be late!” She said and I heard her faint footsteps.

I stood up, fixed my bed and did a little stretching before doing my morning rituals. It was well past thirty minutes from when Majella knocked on my door so as expected, I found her on the dining table, head down and snoring lightly.

I shook my head and smiled at the sight of her. She’s already in full battle gear; armor tightly secured over her body, her gold, bronze and silver sword strapped on her waist, her hair that has grown long over the few months hastily tied in a braid. Her breakfast is ready beside her head and another breakfast set is ready close by.

I gently poked Majella on the arm and she grunted before raising her head. Her eyes are red from the strain.

“What took you so long?” She asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

“I have to look my best,” I just said, sitting down on the chair beside her, “I don’t want to embarrass my mom in front of the whole Olympian Council for having an ugly daughter.”

Majella snorted in disgust, “As if they care.”


“What?” She gave me an annoyed look.

“Let’s just eat.”I said, taking the spoon and fork in front of me.

Majella didn’t say anything else and began eating. She finished her breakfast way ahead of me so while waiting for me to finish my meal, she was drinking milk.

“Stop that,” I complained when she finished her third glass.


“You’re drinking too much milk,”

“There’s no such thing as too much with milk,” Majella stated, licking her lips.

I shook my head, I never noticed her addiction to milk until now. Yes, I see her drinking a glass every morning but 3 glasses straight just today? That’s too much.

“You’re nervous, are you?” I asked as I finish my breakfast.

“Kinda, yes.” She hesitated before standing up and taking the plates to the sink. I noticed that a pouch is strapped to her belt beside her sword.

“Relax, everything’s going to be just fine.” I assured her. Majella just gave me a smile.

As she washed the dishes, I stood behind her and fixed her messed up braid.

“Thanks,” Majella said in a low voice.

“For what?” I asked, focused on doing her braids.

“Uhh, I don’t know. Everything?” Majella shrugged.

“Shouldn’t I be the one thanking you?”

“We both have something to thank each other for.”

I smiled and fixed her hair tightly, Majella likes it that way because she won’t have to fix her ponytail or braid every now and then.

When she was finished with the dishes and I’m done with her hair, she helped me strap my armor up.

“How’s it?” Majella sighed while looking at my armor straps if there are any loose ones.

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