15 The Plan

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I don’t know how I got here, last thing I remember was laying down on my bed in my new home. So I guess this is a dream?

Anyways, I’m standing in the middle of a large room, which can pretty much accommodate the hull of Titanic with its vastness. On the center of the room, a fire burned brightly, tended by a girl wearing a brown dress. Surrounding the fire, forming a semicircle is an odd collection of oversized chairs.


I turned around to whoever called my name.

There, standing ten feet away from me is the most beautiful woman I have ever got the pleasure to set my eyes upon. The woman, maybe in her mid-twenties is wearing a pink Greek chiton dress with a golden dove pin holding the dress together on her right shoulder. Her hair is in the middle of changing from curly blonde to wavy brown and her eyes are a deep set of purple.

“Jean, my dear,” the woman called out in a sweet voice.

“Uhh, hi?”

The woman approached me and held me by the shoulders, looking at me from top to foot in what seems to be affection?

“Jean, my dear, how are you?” she asked.

“I uhh, I’m fine.” I stuttered.

The woman smiled at me before steering me and guiding me to the courtyard outside.

Okay, if the woman was drop dead gorgeous, the courtyard is not far behind. The place glowed silver and gold in the moonlight, torches burned in the distance, flowers of several varieties decorated the place giving off a sweet scent, a slow melody can be heard singing in the air.  

“What is this place?” I asked in awe.

“Olympus of course,” answered the woman.

“Not to be rude, but who are you?”

“Oh Jean, I’m your mother silly!” the woman giggled.

“You’re Aphrodite?!”

“Who else are you expecting?”

“I uhh, sorry, I uhh, I dunno” I stuttered again.

That makes sense, the goddess of love and beauty is ought to be beautiful herself! It’s just that, my dad never said anything about my mother other than her leaving us for another, and after I Majella said I’m Aphrodite’s daughter, I tried to imagine what Aphrodite would look like and if I’ll ever get to meet her. And here she is now, the mother I never knew, standing before me in all her magnificence.

Aphrodite was about to tell me something but then there was a loud bang and crash and shouts in the distance, she turned to me, her expression dead serious (but still beautiful).

“Jean, we have made our decision. You heard the prophecy, now go and rebuild the world for us.” She said in a hurry.

“Rebuild the world?”

“Athena has blessed you for the task that lies ahead. Use that gift and honor the gods,” she continued with an encouraging warm smile. “Make me proud.”

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and something strong pulled my right arm and I fell off my bed. I blinked around in confusion. I was no longer in the courtyard of Olympus but back to our cabin in Camp Makiling.


The daughter of Zeus looks menacing clutching her sword with her dishevelled shoulder length spiky black hair and still wearing her plain white shirt and blue pyjamas.

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