26 Party Hard!

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When I was finally allowed to get out of my boring tent I was surprised with what I found.

“What can you say?” Jean asks me from my left. My arm around her shoulders for support.

“How long was I inside that stupid tent?” I ask Carlene on my other side.

“Eleven days.”  Carlene answers with an annoying smile.

I look to Jean, “Are you guys sure it was just eleven days?”

“Super sure.” Jean answers, also with an annoying smile.

I slapped my forehead. “Why does it look like I was inside for a freaking year?”

Carlene and Jean laughs at my reaction.

The city that was just a plan to me is now taking its form. The bamboo house that Jean mentioned they’re copying so that we can make it as headquarters is already finished. Demigods are running around carrying construction tools. The Hephaestus kids are controlling machines to make the work faster and easier. Athena kids are directing campers with what to do. War demigods are also helping. Some I can see are carrying their weapons and are on patrol.

I remember Carlene telling me that she and her siblings made a barrier around our city similar to the barriers in camp to protect us from monsters. Even though it’s a bit weaker and they need to recast the spell every morning, it seems to be working since Jean says there hasn’t been any attack yet. The patrol must have been only a precaution. I bet it was En’s idea; he doesn’t want to lower our guard just because we haven’t been attacked yet.

I noticed Marielle and Percival were supervising the construction of the water system.

Everything seems to be in perfect order. Everyone’s cooperating, helping in the construction.

“This is just-”

“Awesome?” Jean says.

“Perfect?” Carlene suggested.

I smacked both of them on the head. I laugh at their shocked faces but immediately regretted it.


Carlene slapped my right cheek and on the same time, Jean slapped me on my left cheek.

“AWW!” I cried out

Jean and Carlene both laughed as I massaged both my throbbing cheeks.

“Why do you guys always aim for the face?” I complained, blinking back the tears.

“PERCIVAL!” Marielle shouts from the distance, there was a loud crashing sound like waves crashing on the seashore.

I got swept off my feet and landed face first on the mud.

“Majella!” Carlene says my name as she helps me up. The heck, the beautiful witch is smirking!

“Are you okay?” Jean asks, her voice strained as she helps me up. Look, another beautiful girl laughing at me!

“PERCIVAL!” I shouted in rage, scrambling to my feet.

The demigod son of Poseidon is on the ground, rolling around in laughter.

Marielle gets to him first; she smiles at me before kicking his brother hard.

“WHY?!” Percival shouts at Marielle.

“Get back to work!” Marielle shouts back.

“Can you punch him for me?” I shout to Marielle.

Marielle smiles and runs after her brother. We laugh at what happened.

“We’ll get you a change of clothes.” Carlene says as she looks at my dirty clothes.

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