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“Jean! C’mon! They’re waiting for you!” Percival called.

“Yeah, I’m coming in a minute!”

I smiled at myself in the mirror and followed Percival out of the bamboo house.

“Jean, everything’s according to plan!” Nicole squealed in delight and hugged me, “They landed safely!”

“That’s great!” I hugged her back.

“Jean, this is Bark.” Percival showed to me and thirty-something guy with a blue cap on his head.

“Nice to meet you,” The guy took his cap off to reveal a goat’s horn, “I’m Bark, the satyr who assisted Majella to Camp Makiling.”

“Oh, wow. That’s great, hi. I’m Jean Oliveira, nice to meet you too,” I shook his hand.

“She asked me to look after her friends, I’m sure you know them.” Bark pointed to one bench where a few teenagers are resting.

“Oh, yes, I know them. They were our classmates in high school.” I smiled.

“Fantastic,” Nicole said, “You go talk to them while I get the stage ready for your speech.”

“Thanks, Nicole.”

“I’ll leave them to you,” Bark said and he left.

“I’ll come with you,” Percival said, holding my hand.

“Thanks.” I said. I still feel a bit conscious with Percival but all’s well. We’re dating.

“Hi, guys.” I said to the familiar teenager who looks sick with the travel.

“Jean?” Dominic asked, surprised.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“Wow, you look good.” Alyssa complimented, “Do you know if Majella’s around?”

“Oh, eer—“

“You’ll see her later,” Percival said for me and he held on my hand tighter.

“Jean! Stage’s ready!” Marielle shouted from the distance.

“I got to go.” I said, hugging Alyssa, Joanna, Katrina, Dominic and Allan. “I’ll catch up on you guys later after the party.”

Percival escorted me to the stage in the plaza where everyone has assembled.

“Goodluck.” Percival kissed me on the cheek.


I climbed the stairs to the stage alone and the talk subsided. I stopped in front of the podium in the middle and positioned the microphone in front of me.

“Hi, good day.” I greeted to them. My voice magnified for everyone to hear, “My name is Jean Oliveira, Mayor of Ierotheon.”

I paused as they clapped their hands for me, “I would like to welcome everybody to our dear city.” I said to the newcomers, the mortals who just came back from space.

I saw Majella smiling at me in the distance. Her face shining and proud, I continued, “I know most of you are wondering what happened but we came here back to Earth earlier than you. We built this city and waited until the return of the other space shuttles.”

That’s the lie we decided on in the city council. “We built this city to start over as the world started over after the solar flare and I would like to thank everyone who helped. Thank you to everyone who sacrificed their time and energy into building this city, for rebuilding the world.” I stopped and wiped the tear away, “Everyone worked hard for this. For a new life. I hope we can all live together in this city in harmony.”

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