6 Zombie Killing; A new sport

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As I enter the gates, Nero was looking at me with embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, she’s all right despite the fact that you almost killed her.” I said as we walk to the room.

“Her wolf tried to eat you!”

“Her wolf did not try to eat me. Her wolf saved me from that zombie behind me!”

“Did you tell her I’m sorry?”

“Yes I did.”

I smiled at Nero in assurance.

“Nice shot by the way.” I complimented him. “A headshot on your first try? Are you sure this is your first time to hold a gun?

“Been playing too much Call of Duty”

Pamela and Merlin was preparing breakfast outside the room with the food we found in the canteen, Mark was still asleep.

“Was that gunshot we heard earlier?” Pamela asked, frying a burger patty.

“Yeah, Nero here tried to kill my friend.” I said. “Good thing he missed.”

“I said sorry!” Nero said in embarrassment

“Where’s your friend?” Pamela asked. “You should have invited him for breakfast!”

“I did, be SHE was in a hurry, looking for someone.”

“Maybe she didn’t want to see who tried to kill her?”  Pamela teased.

“How many times should I say sorry?!” Nero said

“Why do you have so many friends around anyways?” Merlin asked, handing me a plate. “While we hadn’t seen anyone we know since yesterday.”

“Because my friends know how to stay alive in a zombie apocalypse while yours don’t? How am I supposed to know the answer to that question?” I answered

“So, what are we going to do today?” Pamela asked putting rice and burger on my plate

“I don’t know. What do you want to do in your last 48 hours of living?”

“Aside from killing zombies?” Mark said, getting out of the room, his hair still a mess from his sleep. “I think I’d like to kill more of them.”

“Hit them with our pick-up for eating my family.” Pamela said

“Stab them repeatedly for trying to kill us.” Merlin said

“And burn them for killing our friends.” Nero said

“The apocalypse is obviously getting to your heads.” I told them. “Eat up, we’re going to the baseball field.”

The baseball field I was referring to is just close by; it was one of our favourite hangouts back in high school. The place holds hundreds of memories we had playing, cheering and watching games.

I remembered when I learned that I was a demigod, monsters kept on attacking me in school. To avoid getting exposed, I joined the school’s girl’s baseball team with Pamela so my friends could easily adjust to the mist with the sudden appearance of my ‘baseball bat’.

We rammed the pickup to the middle of the field beside the pitching mound.

“I think there was a game yesterday when the zombies came.” Merlin said as we got out of the car.

There were bodies scattered everywhere, bloody, decapitated and mangled. There are zombies walking around aimlessly.

We split up. Pamela, Merlin and Nero checked out the dugout. Mark and I checked the upper box.

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