32 Girls Day Out

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Everything happened quickly. Majella almost ran to get any Apollo kid available in panic, but good thing I was able to stop her. Carlene would have killed me if I let Majella run when I promised to look after her and make sure the demigod won’t stress herself too much. I convinced Majella to stay with the wolf while I go get Jimuel.

It only took ten minutes for Jimuel, Angelica and Ericka to heal the white wolf and transferred him to a stall in the stables. Immediately after that, Majella called for an emergency meeting in the bamboo house.

“Jean?” Jimuel called me when I was going to leave. “Where are you going?”

“I dunno, anywhere?” I shrugged.

“Majella called for an emergency meeting, you’re not going?” Jimuel asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Jayson’s going.”

“But you should go too.”

“I’m not a head councillor.”

“You’re considered a camp leader now,” Jimuel smiled, putting an arm around me, “The hero who rebuilt the world.”

I pushed his arm aside, “Fine.”

We walked to the bamboo house and saw the head councillors waiting for us around the dining table. Jimuel took his seat between Marielle and Anthony and I just stood there, staring at them. The only available seat is the one on Majella’s left, opposite Carlene.

“You’re not going to just stand there are you?” Joash asked.

“I uhh..can I seat somewhere else?” I asked nervously. It just suddenly dawned unto me that the few weeks I’ve stayed with them and I’m being treated as a Head Councillor.

“Seriously Jean, you can seat here,” Nicole patted the seat.

“I don’t deserve to seat beside the leader.” I said, “I’m just new here.”

“Will you sit down if I tell you to?” Majella asked impatiently, her voice full of authority.

“You deserve the seat, Jean.” Carlene smiled kindly at me, “Now seat down before this ugly leader of ours start ripping her hair in impatient frustration.”

The other head councillors smiled and tried to suppress their laughs at Carlene’s joke. Majella just eyed her best friend malevolently. I sat down on the available seat.

“Now, let’s get to the point of this meeting.” Majella started. “Jem’s arrival means that the hunters are close by. Azula couldn’t have gone far to find him accidentally.”

“And so?” Carlene asked.

“We need to send a team to go meet them.” Majella said. “And fast. Jem’s wounded so that means the hunters are in danger.”

“I’ll go.” Nicole volunteered, “May’s my sister.”

“Wait, hunters?” I asked, confused about who Jem is or who the hunters are.

“The hunters of Artemis.. pledged to join her in the hunt.” Jimuel explained to me.

I remembered Artemis, the goddess who asked me to join her and attacked Majella later. The goddess I shot in the back. I just nodded in understanding.

“I’ll go too!” Marielle volunteered.

“The hunters are real?! Can I go meet them too?” Anthony asked in wild excitement.

All the heads turned to him and Anthony audibly gulped, like he said something so wrong that the teacher would send him outside the room.

“You’ve got to be kidding us.” Zhane said.

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