8 Waiting...

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The next morning was the start of our last day.  And I knew that within the next 24 hours will I do that greatness they predicted.

“You didn’t wake me up for my shift. You stayed up all night?” Mark asked when he got out of the room.

“I didn’t feel like sleeping last night. So I thought I’d just stay up.” I answered

“Go have a nap. We’ll wake you up later.” He offered

“Nah, I was thinking that we crash the mall today.”

“The mall?” Pamela said. “Why the mall?”

“I wanna rob it?” I answered.  “I dunno, it just felt like the place I should be in.”

“We should avoid that place. A lot of zombies might be in there.” Merlin said

“The more, the better. What harm can they do to us?”

“Yeah, we have weapons, but if we get swarmed by a whole lot of them we’ll get outnumbered. I don’t want to die like that Percival.” Merlin said.

“You do have a point, but there was absolutely no need to mention Percival.” Pamela said for me.

“Fine, scratch the mall idea out. But I’m not cooping up in this place.” I said, grabbing some tasty bread from the table.

I sat by the gates again away from the group.

My heart was thumping fast, I’m getting nervous. What greatness am I supposed to do to be remembered? It doesn’t sound so easy.

“Majella?” Merlin called out

“I’m here.”

“I’m sorry about what I said earlier.”

“I understand.”

“Your idea just sound so crazy. What’s gotten into you?” Merlin asked, sitting beside me.

“I just feel reckless. It’s the last 24 hours of my life; I want to make the most out of it.”

Merlin just nodded.

“Hey guys, breakfast?” Nero called out to us.

We stood up and followed.

“Hey, is that a horse?” Pamela asked, seeing the Pegasus Poseidon gave me.

“Oh, I found him running around last night.” I lied.

“Cool. Can I ride him?” Mark asked

“I think we should let him be for now, he almost kicked me last night.” I lied again to give the Pegasus a cover. I even doubt that they can ride him.

An eagle circled the sky above us, making a loud call.

“Great, you have no timing at all do you?” I whispered to myself.

“You said something?” Mark asked.


“Is that an eagle?” Nero asked, seeing the bird circling around.

I whistled and my pet eagle, Azula left.

“Why are animals suddenly appearing?” Pamela asked “Hey, you did that to yourself?”

Damn, I forgot to cover the eagle tattoo.

“Uhh, yeah. I got bored last night.” I lied to them again. “Why are you guys suddenly seeing so many things?”

Is the mist disappearing? No wait, they saw a horse, not a Pegasus. Calm down Majella!

They just shrugged my question off.

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