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“And it all comes down to her,” Hades mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Damn it,” Artemis cursed.

“I told you it’s important to get her!” Athena barked at Artemis.

“Well, it’s not my problem that pest came into the scene!” Artemis complained back to Athena, pointing at me. So yeah, I’m a pest now.

Hermes laughed, “Didn’t think I’d send her, don’t you?”

Artemis glared at Hermes, “I tracked Jean down myself. You fantastic little messenger cheated.”

“I’ve been watching over her,” Hermes said as a matter-of-factly attitude, “I’m god of travellers!” And he laughed as Artemis turned a brilliant shade of red. I never thought gods can blush.

“Majella’s the perfect model for Jean,”

Hades leaned over to look at us and his flaming black eyes seemed to have this x-ray effect on me. I felt like I’m being probed all over.

“You used me,” I murmured.

I decided long ago that these gods would never control me. That even if they’re the personalization of everything in the universe, I would still write my own fate. I followed their orders and did those quests but that’s because I wanted to, not because they wanted me to.

And here I am being the ultimate pawn. Why on earth haven’t I realized that Hermes’ reason for sending me out to find Jean is because I can influence her demigod way. That I can tell her that the Olympians who want to purge and get rid of the mortals are evil and those who are fighting for them are the good ones.

I stared at my father Zeus, the leader of the ‘purge the world and kill all the mortals’ Olympians. He’s technically one of the roots of the war. Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Ares and Hephaestus; All of them wanted the mortals out of the world. From what I remember, Athena’s reasoning is that the mortals have gone astray, they have lost all sense of wisdom and are driving themselves to their own destruction. Aphrodite’s reason is that the mortals have forgotten what the real meaning of love is, hooking up for the sake of sexual pleasure and or money. Artemis hates the mortals for destroying nature, building artificial zoos and basically making her hunts harder with lesser preys. Ares, of course just want to have a bloodbath and Hephaestus on the other hand has never been really a people’s god. He dislikes non-mechanical creatures.

“You used me,” I mumbled again, this time at Hades.

Hades is the leader of the opposing team. He, along with Hera, Dionysus, Demeter, Hermes, Poseidon and Hestia believes that the mortals can still change their ways.

And they are the ones who devised this plan to use me.

“You blessed Jean with wisdom because you know that it will help her see the real world,” I said to Athena. “And you,” I pointed to Aphrodite, “Gladly provided your daughter for this war.”

“Majella,” Jean held my arm as I shook in anger. All of this shit came down because of this gods and goddesses who think of the mortals so low.

“You,” I spat at Artemis, “Wanted Jean in the hunt because you want to influence her against the mortals.”

“That’s a bright gal,” Dionysus laughed.

“You sent me because I can influence Jean to saving the mortals,” I mumbled at Hermes.

“And because Jean already looks up to you from your high school life.” Demeter added.

“You saved her when she’s being bullied,” Hera explained, “You unconsciously watched over and she looked up at you because of that.”

I looked at Jean who nodded, “You really know what to do.”

I’ve been bullied before so when I grew strong enough, I made sure that the people around me won’t have to suffer the same thing. Jean’s not really from my circle of close friends but I still saw her as one. That time that I saw those wretched bullies pushing her, I grew angry and saved her. No one deserved to be pushed around.

“You’re the only thing that we can come up to help Jean see that the mortals can still change.” Dionysus said.

“Dionysus, she’s not a thing.” Poseidon corrected.

“How dare you use me,” I shook in anger.

“Majella, calm down.” Jean held my hand.

“Well then, you’re the only one we can come up with against these geniuses,” Dionysus changed, pointing at Zeus and Athena.

“Enough with this!” Zeus roared, offended with Dionysus’ comment, “Jean Oliveira, choose the fate of the world.”

“Save the mortals up in space and plague the world with their destructive nature,” Athena said, “Or start over with legacies.  You demigods will raise your children and teach them what is right and what is wrong.”

“I c-can’t-“ Jean mumbled, uncomfortable with the Olympian stares that she’s getting.

I tried my best to stop shaking and push the violent thoughts away. Jean needs me. My Joanna, Katrina, Alyssa, Allan and Dominic up in space needs me.

“It’s all right, Jean. You’ve always known what to do,” I smiled at her encouragingly even holding her hand.

“The mortals,” Jean said in a low voice, thinking. I nodded at her.

“Wait a minute!” Ares suddenly interrupted with a loud voice, “Why would we even let you influence her decision?!”

“What, me?” I pointed at myself.

“She’s too unstable,” Ares complained to Zeus, pointing at me.

“What?” I asked, confused.

I don’t know what I did wrong to be called unstable because Zeus, Hephaestus, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis and Apollo are all nodding in agreement to Ares.

“Well, why don’t we ask her?” Hera simply pointed at the corner of the throne room where a single demigod is silently watching us in the shadows, “She knows why,”

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